電視廣播(00511) 2018 周年報告 (11680KB, PDF) ...全文
Hong Kong's main free-to-air television broadcaster Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) saw its share price tumble to a 20-year low after it issued a profit warning. Free-to-air television used to be ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-15
... 再轉工。瀚韜加盟德國電視廣播公司RTL集團出任財政總監,負責盧森堡電視及電台業務策略。5年後,瀚韜獲得RTL母 ...全文
... 之職位及同時獲委任為電視廣播(00511)之獨立非執行董事或會涉及利益衝突。電視廣播為星美普通債券及可換股債券 ...全文
China Media Capital (CMC), the country's leading media and entertainment investor, is said to be planning an initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong. CMC was founded by Chinese media mogul Li Ruiga ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-03
Last month Australian-born American media mogul Rupert Murdoch completed his deal of the century with the sale of most of 21st Century Fox's entertainment assets to The Walt Disney Company. Li Ruigang ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-01
香港寬頻(01310)與電視廣播(00511)日前宣布擴大策略性合作範疇,現在香港寬頻宣布,今年4月1日起至7 ...全文
樓市近月出現小陽春,經絡按揭轉介聯同全港市民滲透量最高的TVB無綫電視合作,推出一系列按揭資訊節目,提高業主及 ...全文
... 應會有一個問題,當年電視廣播(00511)(TVB)如何封殺旗下藝員亮相「魔童」王維基旗下的香港電視(0113 ...全文
... 務盈利約27億歐羅,電視廣播公司RTL貢獻超過一半,但利潤不斷縮水。美國科技巨擘紛紛揼本投資於影視串流服務,令 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年03月28日