
共 1783 個結果
頁數:1...68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ...90


... ,還要在中國舉行擁有IP(自主知識產權)的亞洲地區籃球賽事等等。這種體育賽事是非常稀缺的資源,不但能獲得很好的 ...全文


互聯網+摸出門路 A8看好

... 續上線,特別涉及小說IP移動遊戲並獲獎項;年中更以1.93億元收購北京掌文信息技術35%股權,有利獲授權許可使 ...全文


Red-faced police make U-turn over radio host's complaint

Embarrassed police officials have been forced to deal with alleged online threats to a radio host after dismissing them for insufficient information. Kengo Ip, 35, had written on his Facebook page abo ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

Who will be Hong Kong’s next chief executive?

... an Regina Ip yearns to be chief executive. She is quite popular as a legislative councilor but this doesn't necessarily mean her popularity will follow her if she decides to run for chief executive. B ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-08

準則鬆緊不一 舉報寧濫無缺

... ,監控人員會檢查戶口IP,若發現相同IP便會主動查詢。另還有交易最後一分鐘以低成交量「嘜價」,結果難逃被舉報。 ...全文


CY Leung and John Tsang warm up for the race

... or Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, who is herself a CE wannabe but would probably settle for the Legco presidency if she wins the election, asked Tsang to leave his post if he is serious about running. Tsang, ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-05

半小時食電20% 「訓練員」必備尿袋

... 不是因AR,而是它的IP(intellectual property 知識產權)非常適合AR。 ...全文



... 網絡賬號、網絡地址(IP)、手機系統及地理位置等資訊,並可能會向獲授權第三方分享;只是大家急於開始遊戲,通常不 ...全文


The curtain has risen on the 2017 chief executive race

... ty Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee already expressed strong eagerness to run even during the run-up to the 2012 election. She is widely considered a long shot in the race for the next CE and she has remained re ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-25

Nine schools to pilot suicide prevention program

... man Paul Yip said the idea is to increase awareness. He said the government will participate in the scheme. The measures include enhanced training for teachers and subsidies for schools to enable them ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-22


... 專注於研發專利技術(IP),再授權予其他廠商使用;所以我們說的ARM晶片,嚴格上並非「由ARM生產的晶片」,而 ...全文



... 幣;電視劇方面,一個IP輕輕鬆鬆就能賣到8位數甚至9位數,大批資金正殺入文化產業。萬達早在10年前已開始布局, ...全文



... 。筆者覺得,任天堂的IP(知識產權)是值錢,但LBS和AR才是精粹所在,而這明顯是Alphabet的強項。 電 ...全文


Pokémon GO玩謝港人 登陸無期

... 器超出負荷而封鎖香港IP。直至7月10日,Pokémon GO官方Facebook解釋正優化伺服器及呼籲玩家耐 ...全文


Artists speak out on South China Sea: Watch what you don't say

... elababy, “Ip Man” Donnie Yen, comedian Wong Cho-nam and wife Leanne Li (who both regularly work in China) and singer Hins Cheung (who posted a map of Red China that includes Hong Kong, Taiwan and the ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-14

CUHK student from mainland arrested for using stun gun on toads

... 000. Jack Ip Ka-hang, operations director at the Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation, warned the public against coming into contact with toads, noting that they could excrete poisonous substan ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-13

What makes Supercell a good game developer?

Tencent’s recent purchase of Finnish game developer Supercell, which values the firm at more than US$10 billion, has been widely seen as a major move to cement the Chinese tech giant’s leadership in t ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-13


... 界、動漫創意人、持有IP授權方搭建新的商貿洽談渠道。此外,他期望可以吸引已北移到內地發展的香港製作團隊回歸,周 ...全文


Kindergarten fires teacher caught on video slapping a pupil

... -second clip that was circulated among other parents, there were two teachers and around ten students in the classroom at that time. One teacher grabbed the broom and walked out of the classroom, whil ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-05

Women leaders: The turning tide

... n leadership to steer us through this period of economic and political uncertainty", May hopes to capitalize on Britons' desire for a Margaret Thatcher-like Iron lady at the top. A strong-willed perso ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04

頁數:1...68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ...90

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