... 勢洶洶不容忽視 相對Amazon旗下AWS雲端服務,最新季度收入為61.1億元,按年升約20億,近50%,因此 ...全文
... mpared to Amazon at 82 times earnings and Microsoft at 25 times earnings. Adjusting for four stock splits over the years, Apple debuted on the stock market for the equivalent of 39 US cents a share on ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-03
Amazon, the world's second most valuable company, announced last week a whopping 39 percent rise in second-quarter revenue, at US$52.9 billion. The online behemoth booked US$2.5 billion in profit for ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-02
... (Facebook、Amazon、Apple、Netflix、Google)之中,Facebook及Netfl ...全文
全球第二大市值企業亞馬遜(Amazon),上周五公布第二季業績,收入增長28%,至318億元(美元.下同),盈 ...全文
... 音設備,例如亞馬遜(Amazon)的Echo、谷歌智能家居(Google Home),還有Fitbit的智能手 ...全文
... fied that Amazon Inc., Facebook Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google, LinkedIn and Twitter Inc. have each paid IBM US$20 million to US$50 million as part of cross-licensing deals that gave them access to the ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-30
... 提供雲端計算服務(如Amazon AWS、微軟、Google Cloud)的公司; ■ 半導體公司:行業現正處 ...全文
... 提供雲端計算服務(如Amazon AWS、微軟、Google Cloud)的公司;半導體公司方面,行業現正處暫 ...全文
今日信報理財投資行業微觀Karsten Junius2018年07月30日
Amazon.com on Thursday reported a second-quarter profit of US$2.5 billion, more than double the forecasts of analysts, on strong cloud computing and advertising operations. Amazon Web Services, the ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-27
... 應商Netflix及Amazon Prime衝擊,顯得黯然失色。ITV新任行政總裁麥考爾(Carolyn Mc ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年07月27日
... challenge Amazon’s dominance in the two businesses. In the three months to June, Alphabet’s operating income, excluding the impact of the EC fine, reached US$7.9 billion, up 15 percent from the same p ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-25
... ebook與亞馬遜(Amazon)也將在本周發布財報,目前股價漲逾1.91%及1.7%;不過,消費及工業用品生 ...全文
... services (Amazon AWS, Microsoft, Google Cloud). - Semiconductors: The industry is pausing and might lag in the short term but it remains an attractive story over the medium term, as long as global gro ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-24
... ebook and Amazon set to foot a large chunk of any bill. Some 200 companies would fall within the scope of the new tax, European officials said at the time, estimating additional annual revenues of abo ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-23
... %,Netflix和Amazon等付費視頻點播(SvoD)漸成主流,按年增30%使用量,六成固網數據流量由視頻 ...全文
... ces after Amazon.com Inc.’s Amazon Web Services, according to April estimates by research firm Canalys. Revenue at Microsoft’s productivity and business processes unit, which includes Office 365, rose ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-20