「你會接受82元嗎?」「不行!」「那麼79元又如何?」以上對白看似是師奶在街市討價還價,而非商業戰場的談判策略 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月23日
US semiconductor company Qualcomm Inc. unveiled a sweetened US$44 billion agreement to acquire NXP Semiconductors NV, the most defiant move in its defense against a hostile US$121 billion bid from Bro ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-21
US lawmakers are moving to consider new rules that could impose stricter federal oversight on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Reuters reports, citing several top lawmakers. Bipartisan momentum is ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-20
Asian-flavored soup noodles being sold in Hong Kong contain excessive levels of sodium in most cases, the city's consumer watchdog said on Wednesday, warning people of the health risks. According to t ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-15
美國多名參議員和情報機關主管在參議院一個聽證會上表示,中國正試圖透過電訊公司、學術界與合資企業,接觸美國敏感的 ...全文
美股過去一周如坐過山車,道指有兩日跌逾1000點,又有兩天升超過300點,並與標指錄得兩年來最大的一周跌幅,市 ...全文
美國超市集團Kroger公布,同意以21.5億美元(167.7億港元)出售便利店業務,買家為英國公司EG。 K ...全文
上月初叱咤舞台上,久違了的謝霆鋒神秘現身,帶來場內場外一陣騷動。陪伴他同台演出的有兩支樂隊,分別是觸執毛及Su ...全文
美國總統特朗普周四出席共和黨靜思會時發表演說,自誇在上任一年來已「過度兌現」競選承諾,又向在場國會議員表示美國 ...全文