... ,Facebook和Uber在這方面均上了慘痛一課。在無形經濟中,教育和家庭的作用想必大得不成比例。 昔日積極 ...全文
... , akin to Uber Eats, which would leverage on its massive ride-hailing and driver network, Caijing reported. However, Didi later decided to focus its food delivery service on overseas markets, such as ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-30
... 障市民權益及安全。 Uber與Airbnb的例子 近年「共享經濟」(sharing economy)公司如共享 ...全文
... 有朝一日創建一個融合Uber / Lyft / Airbnb的自動駕駛汽車業務,為此,他明智地放棄提供季度盈利 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年10月30日
... s such as Uber Technologies Inc. New businesses Alphabet has committed to providing cloud computing services and selling hardware over the last few years. It has also ventured into areas where commerc ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-26
... irms with Uber Technologies, which may be valued US$120 billion if it moves forward with an IPO early next year. Toutiao, China’s top news aggregator, said it has 400 million daily active users in Chi ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-25
... nb、Google及Uber均招攬舊高官幫手,探測政界行情,以免被逮個正着,影響業務發展。 愛爾蘭調查黑客入侵 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年10月25日
... Microsoft及Uber Freight等跨國物流業翹楚,而亞洲成員則包括韓國的CJ Logistics及 ...全文
Uber Technologies Inc. is appealing a decision by the Singapore competition regulator that its merger with regional rival Grab violated the city-state’s competition laws, Reuters reports, citing a sta ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-23
召車軟件商Uber有意加快開拓無人機送外賣業務。美國《華爾街日報》引述消息報道,該公司正在招聘一名高層專門負責 ...全文
... WeWork、滴滴、Uber、GM Cruise、Flipkart、Compass、平安好醫生等等,太多了未能 ...全文
... 信、福特汽車、黑石及Uber等歐美大企的行政總裁相繼宣布不會出席,美國財長努欽(Steven Mnuchin) ...全文
... rtz指出,沙地單在Uber及Lyft的投資就分別高達113.21億及49.15億美元。 2008年金融海嘯源 ...全文