
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ...150

Long-term benefits of ESG investment

Looking into the decades that lie ahead, asset owners and managers have a great opportunity to think sustainably and act responsibly; it will bring enormous risks if we do not. Since no economic syste ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-28

How can we better serve travel-deprived consumers in digital age

Three years into the pandemic much has changed - online shopping has become the synonym for shopping and working from home has become the new ‘normal’. However, consumers’ desire for travel has never ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

Hong Kong needs a new approach to talent

Hong Kong has arrived at a critical juncture for its talent market and its economic future. Due to several factors that include the pandemic, emigration, and an ageing population, Hong Kong has a pron ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

Hong Kong Ballet premieres Coco Chanel

... adapted into a ballet or modern dance work by any French choreographer. So the Hong Kong Ballet artistic director Septime Webre deserves praise for commissioning this new ballet from Lopez Ochoa, who ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27


... 起,「大到不能倒」(Too Big to Fail , TBTF)這句話便不脛而走。 不過,事發時美國惡性通脹 ...全文


生成影像配AR 增強產品體驗

... ,即將推出(due to be launched)。」 交客戶測試 未定推出日期 然而,Cottin未有透露推 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年03月27日


... 海邊城市波圖(Porto)……她都任我安排。我預先付了所有費用,很期待晚上跟朋友一起敷面膜、喝美酒、談近況。 ...全文



... 尾聲(closer to the beginning of the end)」,因為經歷2008年金融海嘯後, ...全文


【信號連成】歐美爆雷仍未完結 恒指個股走勢分化

... 至爆雷階段,最終淪為Too Big To Fail(大到不能倒)的機會不低。不過,較早前瑞士政府推動瑞銀集團收 ...全文


從科科不及格到哈佛畢業 漁民子弟盧志榮變設計大師

... 天尤人,設計師有責任To make people dream how you dream!」說好香港故事不用靠 ...全文



... 有至到期,Hold to Maturity(HTM)」的債券出現大額浮動虧損。按規定這些虧損並不需要入賬,因為 ...全文


Who gets squeezed by austerity?

When Edmundo, a waste picker in Peru, caught COVID-19, he had to take out a bank loan to pay for his visit to the clinic. Many of his colleagues also fell ill and subsequently went into debt, desperat ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-24

The water crisis is a vital investment opportunity

Together with air, water is arguably the planet’s most important natural resource. Functioning water systems are one of the technological pillars of civilization, which often makes a water crisis a ma ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-24

Cyber insurance can’t do it alone

... ave a way to recoup some of the losses you incur on your bottom line. But for those looking for a quick fix to a growing problem, cyber insurance has its shortcomings. For one, it’s getting prohibitiv ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-24


3月23日,周四。常聽人說,創造財富要集中押注,保護財富要分散投資(concentrate to get ri ...全文


瑞銀美酒待賓客 瑞信論壇似弔喪

... 「場景猶如弔唁致哀(to a funeral)」。 歐美銀行連環捲起風暴,瑞信身陷漩渦,投資論壇還要如期進行, ...全文



... esponding to a More Connected and Volatile World)。辛偉誠提出 ...全文



... 求獲得(seeks to source)多達50架空中巴士(Airbus SE)A320neo型號飛機,以加快 ...全文


Waking up to the world’s water crisis

The world is becoming accustomed to the drip-drip of catastrophic headlines following each new climate-driven disaster. Increasingly frequent and severe heatwaves are causing wildfires in California a ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23

The SVB fallout: From the Fed to geopolitics

... ve policy to geopolitics. What are the broader risks? Policymakers judged—correctly in our view—that while SVB’s risk management practices were an egregious outlier, its vulnerabilities weren’t unique ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23

頁數:1...70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ...150

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