... 集團、中國大唐集團、中國電力投資集團公司、浙江能源集團有限公司、北京三吉利能源股份有限公司)在27個電力項目審 ...全文
... 製藥(01177)與中國電力新能源(00735)更利於趁調整收集,而一眾產業信託如領展(00823)及具防守性 ...全文
The Hong Kong and mainland equity markets have seen little excitement before the Lunar New Year holidays. Investors should adopt a strategy that is both defensive and offensive to outperform the bench ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-02
中國電力新能源(00735)將獲注入核電資產及業務,正與國家電投誠信善意商討,國家電投將擇機轉讓全部國家核電予 ...全文
... %、潤電負8.1%、中國電力(02380)負19.3%。 華能削新增裝機41% 內地電力市場需求不振,去年首1 ...全文
... 核電資產板塊。另外,中國電力新能源(00735)公布,與國家電力投資集團簽訂了諒解備忘錄,國家電投的附屬公司國 ...全文
Dubbed as China's "Power Queen", Li Xiaolin had always been known for her designer clothes and other expensive tastes. But over the past year, she has kept a relatively low profile, transforming herse ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-12
Mid-year results are far more significant for fund managers and brokerages than for individual investors. The Hong Kong market has posted modest gains in the first half of the year, and most active fu ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-09
Nine Hong Kong-listed companies are being added as constituents of the MSCI China index, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Thursday. They are China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd. (00586.HK), China ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-14
The State Council is likely to give its green light for the merger of China's two nuclear giants soon, China Daily reported, citing industry sources. The move could lead to consolidation within the se ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-20
The mainland's A-share market may have a strong upside next year if it makes it to the MSCI China and emerging markets indices. Chinese authorities have been breeding a bull market to stem a hard land ...More
EJ Insight2014-12-23
A majority of China's power plants are coal-fired, which makes them more profitable than many traditional industries. That also means they're clawing back in profit what they give in exchange for it: ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-17