... 發電(00991)、中國電力(02380)與華潤電力(00836)分別有3.09%、3.51%及2.46%升幅 ...全文
... %。 電力股受追捧,中國電力(02380)上半年總售電量為3255萬兆瓦時,按年增加15.4%,刺激股價急漲5 ...全文
... 的投資。因此,我們對中國電力元件行業的前景保持樂觀。 電力元件投資續增 電網投資快速增長。2016年首4個月, ...全文
... 已不顧及行業層面。以中國電力(02380)為例,本年首季發電量未見降低,但股價已跌至歷史市盈率4.6倍,股息率 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年05月21日
... 。 早於2005年,中國電力投資集團公司便有意開拓緬甸伊洛瓦底江上游水力發電項目,並就項目的發展、規劃與設計, ...全文
中國電力新能源(00735)第一季發電量大增69.77%,股價在消息公布後僅累升4%;雖然是在跌市中上升,但似 ...全文
Politicians, celebrities, sports stars and hoodlums from more than 200 countries have been identified in the Panama Papers — a giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records exposing ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-05
The Hong Kong and mainland equity markets have seen little excitement before the Lunar New Year holidays. Investors should adopt a strategy that is both defensive and offensive to outperform the bench ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-02
Dubbed as China's "Power Queen", Li Xiaolin had always been known for her designer clothes and other expensive tastes. But over the past year, she has kept a relatively low profile, transforming herse ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-12