announced Thursday that it is buying online pharmacy PillPack, a deal which could set the stage for the e-commerce giant to compete directly with drugstore chains, drug distributors and pha ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-29
美國網上零售巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)周四宣布,正在收購初創網上藥房PillPack。消息公布後,亞馬遜股價升 ...全文
... rted when Amazon offered “unlimited” cloud storage to its users. In March 2015, Amazon announced unlimited cloud storage with Amazon Cloud Drive, offering an “Unlimited Everything Plan” (for less than ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-28
... ibaba and Amazon as it is basically a hardware company. So how could Xiaomi justify its seemingly expensive valuation? Founder Lei Jun said of his company: “We are a rare company that combines hardwar ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-27
... 700)、阿里巴巴、Amazon的超高市盈率看齊,作為一家出產硬件的公司,似乎又有點勉強。若像小米老闆雷軍所形 ...全文
亞馬遜(Amazon)、摩根大通及巴郡哈薩韋(Berkshire Hathaway)今年1月宣布成立新的醫療保 ...全文
... ime及旗下雲端服務Amazon Web Services(AWS)所賜。 試想,亞馬遜自創立以來,從Fire ...全文
... ting with Amazon. Google and JD plan to “collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world”, they said. In the sho ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-22
... tflix和亞馬遜(Amazon)創新高帶動,納斯特指數收復大部分失地,最終僅輕微回落0.28%。標普500指 ...全文
... 易平台亞馬遜手工藝(Amazon Handmade),售賣針織品、獨角獸飾物等各類手作仔,與Etsy打對台,當 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年06月21日
亞馬遜(Amazon)、摩根大通以及巴郡(Berkshire Hathaway)周三宣布,已委任著名哈佛大學外 ...全文
... tflix和亞馬遜(Amazon)創新高帶動,納斯特指數收復大部分失地,最終僅輕微回落0.28%。標普500指 ...全文
... id to use Amazon Web Services cloud, which competes with Microsoft's own Azure, CNBC reported. TechCrunch notes that the acquisition can be seen as Microsoft’s move to win share in the education marke ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-20
... China and Amazon outside the China market. Both companies described the investment announced on Monday as one piece of a broader partnership that will include the promotion of products on Googl ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-19
... including, Reuters reports. The two companies described the investment announced on Monday as one piece of a broader partnership that will include the promotion of products on Google ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-19