... ices (the CCL index) to a historic high of 146.78 in the middle of last year from a low point of 56.71 during the crisis. The wealth gap also expanded. The best-performing stocks during this period we ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-15
... 原地產城市領先指數(CCL)在4月8日最新報127.84點,與上一周錄得127.46點相若,仍然在近一年半以來 ...全文
二手樓價大勢向下,即使出現反彈亦很快無以為繼,反映二手住宅樓市走勢的中原城市領先指數(CCL),在錄得一周輕微 ...全文
... 的中原城市領先指數(CCL)成分屋苑中最勁,並跑輸整體大市及港島樓價指數。 嘉湖挫17.7% 中原地產研究部高 ...全文
... ng Index (CCL), an index for secondary housing prices, touched a peak of 146.92 points last Sept. 13. As of Jan. 10, the CCL has tumbled 8.5 percent from the peak, with the different districts posting ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-23