
共 1782 個結果
頁數:1...71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ...90

For HK$30,000, you get to know the etiquette to greet the Queen

... nneth Lau Ip-keung, together with his father Lau Wong-fat, registered offshore companies with British citizenship, although he clarified on Wednesday that both he and his father are now full-fledged C ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-20

Panama Papers reveal offshore accounts of HK tycoons, officials

... nneth Lau Ip-keung (劉業強), who succeeded his father as chairman of the kuk, a statutory rural advisory body, hold British citizenship. Kenneth Lau said Wednesday that he and his father have Chinese, no ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-20


... 三,熊本熊的專利權(IP)雖然屬於熊本縣政府,但該政府採取開源授權,容許任何企業或機構申請免費使用其肖像。據統 ...全文


Observatory blasted over lack of red rainstorm warning

... president Ip Kin-yuen, the lawmaker representing the education constituency, said it should not be HKO that should be blamed, as it is the Education Bureau that decides whether to suspend classes. Nev ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-14

After flat-swap controversy, Fungs face scrutiny over Maserati

Wilson Fung Wing-Yip, the husband of Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee, was found to have owned a Maserati sports car that was previously owned by a company linked to Macau ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-13

Joshua Wong’s new political party is off to a rocky start

... ame will wipe the slate clean and allow pro-democracy activists of all ages to join without looking like they are crashing a high school party. For instance, 60-year-old filmmaker Shu Kei (real name K ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-12

科網股蠢動 金山追落後

... 作,預計憑藉其強大的IP和頂級管道合作夥伴,金山手機遊戲有望錄得良好營收表現。 集團去年主力發展雲業務,其中專 ...全文


Rural representatives at odds over forming new political party

... nneth Lau Ip-keung, chairman of the kuk, later issued a statement stressing that the rural advisory body does not have a legal basis to form a political party and that there is simply no room for disc ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

Lee Po case: It's not over yet

...  lawmaker Ip Kwok-him and National People’s Congress Standing Committee member Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai weighed in one after the other, saying the matter is over and urging the people of Hong Kong to stop ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05

Lee Bo saga: Why the suspicions will remain

Bookseller Lee Bo (also known as Lee Po) has been allowed by mainland authorities to travel back to Hong Kong. During his first trip to the city last week following his three-month-long disappearance, ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

代理三招搶客 冷靜期反悔免佣

... 行將免費在單位內安裝IP CAM,讓業主隨時監察單位實況。 ...全文



... 建的全部互聯網協議(IP)網絡在建成後可降低經營成本。新建的基站令企業有望從而錄得溫和的收入和利潤增長,理由是 ...全文



... 建的全部互聯網協議(IP)網絡在建成後可降低經營成本。 新建的基站令企業有望從而錄得溫和的收入和利潤增長,理由 ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Stan Pearson2016年03月30日

Tseung Kwan O to Lam Tin tunnel cost swells to HK$15.1 bln

... or Regina Ip of the New People’s Party warned the public works sub-committee might not be able to approve the funding for the project before the end of the legislative year this summer, given its back ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-24

Security Bureau to propose steps to crack down on fake refugees

... er Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, chairwoman of the New People’s Party, who said setting up a detention camp on the outlying islands could effectively deter fake refugees. Immigration Department figures show ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-23

Eddie Ng defends move to remain in car and ignore protesters

...  and principals on a daily basis and that over 40 schools have participated in the enhanced edition of the TSA, which he insists is a good evaluation tool. Lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen, who represents the edu ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-21

China punishes Ip Man 3 distributor for phony box office sales

Chinese film regulators have suspended a film distributor for inflating ticket sales for the movie Ip Man 3. Dayinmu Film Distribution, also known as Beijing Max Screen, admitted to having bought 56 m ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-21

黃金十年 締造影業新傳奇

... 一,傳奇影業擁有眾多IP知識產權,其產品與公司名字一樣,擁有許多傳奇,很多大片和巨片都是這家公司的。所以,併購 ...全文


Say no to political interference in our universities

Since last year it has become increasingly apparent that Leung Chun-ying’s administration is getting its claws into every segment of our higher education sector in order to take full control of our te ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

Will it be anyone but CY Leung for the next HK chief executive?

... y's flagship pro-Beijing political party, who announced her resignation as a member of Executive Council, Leung's cabinet. He appointed Ip Kwok-him, a veteran DAB politician, to replace Lee with immed ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

頁數:1...71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ...90

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