... Didi and Uber Technologies Inc. and music streaming service Spotify Technology SA. The list of customers shows how Stripe is targeting a new market of larger businesses. After launching in 2010, Stri ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-27
Uber is making changes to its disaster response guidelines in a bid to ensure that its ride-hailing services respond in an appropriate manner in the event of a crisis like a hurricane or a terror atta ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-27
Uber Technologies Inc. will pay US$148 million for failing to disclose a massive data breach in 2016, Reuters reports. The settlement with 50 US states and Washington, DC brings closure to one of seve ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-27
... 成為Lyft主要對手Uber的主承銷商。 據悉,Lyft已委任Class V為財務顧問,協助該公司在明年上市。 ...全文
召車軟件商Uber同意支付1.48億美元(11.54億港元)和解費,結束美國50州政府司法單位對該公司沒有及時 ...全文
... 作,召車軟件商優步(Uber)周一(24日)宣布,在美國華盛頓開設全球安全中心(GSC),確保回應一致可靠;配 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月27日
《華爾街日報》引述知情人士報道,Uber去年經調查後,證實企業發展部門負責人珀切爾(Cameron Poetz ...全文
雖然愈來愈多人加入Uber與Lyft等網約車司機行列,但一項研究發現,美國網約車司機去年收入,平均較四年前減少 ...全文
Singapore slapped ride-hailing firms Grab and Uber with fines and finalized restrictions to open up the market to competitors after concluding that their merger in March has driven up prices, Reuters ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-24
新加坡競爭與消費者委員會(CCCS)針對召車平台Grab收購優步(Uber),最終裁定有關交易違反當地競爭法, ...全文
彭博周五引述消息人士報道,召車軟件商Uber已開始洽購以歐洲為基地的外賣服務平台Deliveroo,據報作價應 ...全文
Uber Technologies is in early talks to buy food-delivery company Deliveroo, Bloomberg reports, citing people familiar with the matter. London-based Deliveroo was valued at more than US$2 billion in a ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-21
... 外電消息:召車軟件商Uber洽購送餐服務軟件商Deliveroo。■ 法國、德國股市分別收漲1.07%、0.8 ...全文
... 以信用卡付款,而搭乘Uber更不需現金,但筆者今趟未有機會乘搭的士),不一定要用QR條碼(當然,多一個方法也無 ...全文
... ca有報道指出,包括Uber在內的15間公司,去年在Facebook投放招聘廣告時,只將目標受眾鎖定在男性一方 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月20日