
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ...150

All I want for Christmas…

In this timeless classic that doesn’t age (just like the diva behind it), Mariah Carey belts, “I don't want a lot for Christmas… There is just one thing I need”. For thousands, if not millions of Hong ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

All pain and no gain from higher interest rates

... derating nonetheless, and for the same reasons that optimists had outlined. For example, high auto prices, caused by a shortage of computer chips, would come down as the bottlenecks were resolved. Tha ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

周末一手13成交 大學閣6600萬沽

... 現約12.7億元。 One Innovale 3期賣4伙最多 至於周末兩天成交量最高為恒地(00012)旗下粉 ...全文


滙豐吸跨年錢 3個月定存4.6厘

... 個月是4.3厘;滙豐One及其他客戶的3個月及6個月年利率分別為4.4厘及4.1厘,最低存款金額均為1萬元或以 ...全文


The One Chiang Mai入場費42萬

由Dusit Groups及Maya Chiang Mai發展的The One Chiang Mai,為清邁尚 ...全文


總裁沈亞楠辭任 馬東輝頂替

... 毛利率,惟受到「理想ONE」相關的撥備影響,導致毛利率有所下滑。 至於費用,由於未來將推出的新車型研發活動增 ...全文



... ,以支持環保慈善機構One Tree Planted的2023年度印尼再造林計劃,與客戶繼續實踐ESG理念,攜 ...全文


Are we drifting apart?

When I heard that the government had not extended Timothy Owen KC’s visa, Elvis Presley’s version of “Are you lonesome tonight?” began to course through my brain. The saga of the English silk’s applic ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-09

Eco-economic development

... cern everyone, for several reasons. First, we are already facing one of the largest food-security crises in modern history. Since fish are an important dietary component for 3.3 billion people, a redu ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08

FIFA’s World Cup follies

... ntina’s Lionel Messi and Brazil’s Neymar mouthing the words in Spanish and Portuguese, respectively. Is it true? Does football really unite the world? Of course not. It does not even unite nations. Ba ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08

What the COP15 Biodiversity Conference must do

... Colombia, one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, now has a combined protected area that is larger than Japan or the United Kingdom. We understand both the value of nature and what we stand to l ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08

The silent progressive majority

... tion – no one is enthusiastic about it – Americans have consistently signaled a general agreement that the decision should be left to the woman, not the government. Centrism is the wrong approach to m ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-07


... 趨向。正如英語所說,one thing leads to another,先有彼,後有此,理所當然;有果必先有 ...全文



... 港票房Number One,票房數據沒了。當台灣人可以在Netflix看叫好又叫座的香港奇蹟,明日負評卻排山倒 ...全文


Protests show maintaining stable US-China ties isn’t easy

... mes cited one estimate that roughly 40% of the country’s people were under lockdown at the time. Frustration had been building up over seemingly endless Covid tests and lockdowns. The World Cup showed ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06

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