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... 年美國波士頓醫科大學Chris Streeter等人研究瑜伽與步行對沒有精神疾病史的參與者產生的作用比較。參與 ...全文


歐羅區訂單急增 企業產能陷瓶頸

... 企業經濟學家威廉遜(Chris Williamson)表示,儘管歐羅區正出現10年來最佳的就業增長,但企業開始 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月06日

州政府停擺 獨霸沙灘惹公憤 新澤西州長補鑊即批預算

... 之際,州長克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)被揭發與家人在其中一個已關閉的沙灘度假曬太陽,民眾卻望門興嘆 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月05日

'Red money' poses a threat to HK media independence: HKJA

...  chairman Chris Yeung pointed out that the media has the responsibility to play a watchdog role on the government. Propagandizing or speaking for those in power can only harm the cause of free press, ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-03

20 years after the Hong Kong handover

Twenty years after Hong Kong changed from being governed at arm’s length from London to Chinese sovereignty, it still remains one of the freest and most successful cities in Asia. Is that because of t ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-29

覆蓋全球四分一人口 fb用戶突破20億

... 江山。 fb產品總監Chris Cox表示,隨着fb日益壯大,深感公司應肩負社會責任,正致力跟不同專家合作,盡 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年06月29日

Time to stop being entangled in the separatism farce and move on

... ion. Even Chris Patten, the last British colonial governor of Hong Kong who was once denounced by Beijing as “the sinner of the millennium”, has also realized that separatism is nothing but a dead end ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-28

彭定康籲習開腔 重申鄧兩制承諾

末代港督彭定康(Chris Patten)表示,留意到國家主席習近平即將訪港,建議對方不應再無意義地引用「一國 ...全文


港人港啤 自釀手工啤酒

... ewcraft負責人Chris Wong所言,每個熱愛啤酒的人都值得擁有一款屬於自己的啤酒。 近年多得手工啤酒 ...全文


British lawmakers hit by 'sustained' cyber attack

... security. Chris Rennard, a member of the Liberal Democrat party in the upper House of Lords, was the first to draw attention to the problem, using Twitter to announce: "Cyber security attack on Westmi ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-26


美國電動汽車商Tesla表示,換走加入公司不到半年的自駕車技術主管拉特納(Chris Lattner),指他並 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年06月22日


... isors首席策略師Chris Kettenmann認為,悲觀情緒短期內仍然主導油價表現,部分期權的交易顯示, ...全文



... 始於創辦人之一曉治(Chris Hughes)投身奧巴馬競選團隊,與後者最終入主白宮,成為美國史上第一位非裔總 ...全文


Boeing to restructure defense, space unit

... s, led by Chris Raymond, will comprise Boeing's subsidiaries Liquid Robotics, which makes the Wave Glider ocean surface robot, and Insitu unmanned aerial vehicles, among other businesses. The strike s ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-14

有基金倡本月入市 11月沽貨

... s投資總監扎卡雷利(Chris Zaccarelli)指出, 環球經濟向好,未來數月預料將繼續支持美股;加上特 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2017年05月29日


襲擊發生當晚,33歲露宿者帕克(Chris Parker)【圖】亦在曼徹斯特體育場的大廳,原先準備向散場觀眾行 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月25日

新文藝復興殺到 港人應捉緊機遇

... 教授和研究員庫塔納(Chris Kutarna)去年出版一本新書Age of Discovery︰Naviga ...全文


Bitcoin surges to record high on start-up demand

... in," said Chris Burniske, blockchain products leader at ARK Invest in New York, which manages exchange-traded funds. "Bitcoin is still the main liquidity provider in the market and people use it to bu ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-10

頁數:1...75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ...95

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