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推動政企合作 締造更多項目

... ,德國保險集團安聯(Allianz)是首家簽署參與有關基建MCPP計劃的投資者,他預期,數年後有關計劃的資金規 ...全文



... 觀點 安聯環球投資(Allianz Global Investors)首席經濟學家埃爾埃里安(Mohamed ...全文


罰款「四折埋單」未敲定 後市續波動

... 始低吸。 德國安聯(Allianz)首席經濟顧問埃爾埃里安(Mohamed El-Erian)表示,德銀不會如 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月03日


... 30年來新低。安聯(Allianz)首席投資官Andreas Utermann表示,若德銀真的陷入財困,德國政 ...全文



... 觀點 現任安聯集團(Allianz)首席經濟顧問Mohamed El-Erian認為,美國聯儲局主席耶倫上周五 ...全文



安聯(Allianz)首席經濟顧問埃爾埃里安(Mohamed El-Erian)昨天警告,英國必須要為脫歐制訂 ...全文


恐慌指數飆 美股未震完
專家:加息暫無望 看好科技股

... 洲最大保險公司安聯(Allianz)首席經濟顧問的埃爾埃里安表示,在脫歐公投前幾周增持現金的投資者將面對很多投 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2016年06月27日

安盛談情 平穩取勝

... 之下,德國對手安聯(Allianz)以5%為目標,但表明假使利率上升,盈利增長率可望上揚。 安盛其他目標同樣不 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年06月24日

可惠及全球經濟 轟歐盟官僚

... 和印度。 德國安聯(Allianz)首席經濟顧問埃爾埃里安(Mohamed El-Erian)日前亦指出,英國 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global脫歐公投2016年06月11日

Why global retirement picture is not what it seems

... ave jobs, Allianz International Pensions has developed a new indicator we call the “retirement dependency ratio” or the ratio of people receiving pension benefits, regardless of age, to those actually ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-25

忠利管治 暗藏隱憂

... XA )和德國安聯(Allianz)平均超過9倍。 出現這種差距有兩個原因。首先是企業管治問題。忠利11個董事 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月22日

Why SMEs shouldn't underestimate risks of cyber-attacks

... expert at Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty. Often the company is not the first to identify such incidents, but its customers or other stakeholders. Cyber-attacks and technology failure are seen ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

Bernanke, Trichet, Brown join PIMCO advisory board

... a unit of Allianz SE, had about US$1.47 trillion of assets under management as of Sept. 30. It is strengthening its ranks following last year's departures of co-chief investment officers Bill Gross an ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08

Bill Gross sues Pimco for US$200 mln for forcing him out

Billionaire bond investor Bill Gross sued his former employer, Pacific Investment Management Co., and its parent, Allianz SE, for US$200 million for forcing him out in September last year, Reuters rep ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-09

Cyber insurance expected to triple to US$7.5 bln by 2020

... n insurer Allianz said the cyber insurance market could grow to US$20 billion by 2025. “There is a general trend toward tougher data protection regimes, backed with the threat of significant fines in ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-14

A Nigerian teen and his fevered love for football

... it to the Allianz Junior Football Camp Hong Kong selection program in which he is a candidate for the six-day training camp. Ben's first loyalty is to the Super Eagles, the Nigerian national football ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-20

Why investors should focus more on emerging markets

... ategy for Allianz Global Investors, said. The global economy is poised to post modest growth. Neither the US nor Europe will follow the economic meltdown suffered by Japan in 1980s. Various countries ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-18

China A-share premiums seen narrowing to 15-20%

...  fund for Allianz Global Investors, said he is upbeat about the prospects for Hong Kong-traded H-shares, given the current large valuation gap with regard to mainland-traded A-share peers, the Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-13

Crash pilot had been treated for suicidal tendencies: probers

... n insurer Allianz has estimated insurers will pay US$300 million in claims and costs stemming from the Germanwings plane crash, the news agency said. The initial estimate represents about 20 percent o ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-31

China IPO rules bring windfall profits, market distortions

... d at GTJA Allianz Funds, a German-Chinese fund house. But the system has also led to distortions in other parts of the financial system, the newspaper said. Short-term interest rates normally jump bef ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-26

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