
共 292 個結果
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On Sanna Marin and policing of female politicians

The Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin made world headlines this week – not because of any ignominy or scandal, or any particular moral defect, but because she was found (gasp!) “partying” at a nightc ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-26

Our citizens deserve better than a one-way ticket

There is an exodus. People are leaving. We can wax lyrical all day long – “They’ll come back.”, “If we don’t get rid of the old, how would the new come in?” (a terribly instrumentalist and blasé state ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-19

Absolute loyalty, but at what cost?

It would be rather uncontroversial to suggest that loyalty is a virtue. It is, hopefully, equally uncontroversial to note that unquestioning, unyielding, and unconditional loyalty is a vice. Loyalty t ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-17

Tackling poverty requires agency, not pity

When speaking of poverty, we tend to focus on its debilitating and dehumanising nature. It hurts to be poor. It is expensive to be poor. It is de-dignifying to be forced to live under the stultifying ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-12

A step in the right direction

John Lee’s administration unveiled on Monday a series of measures designed to reopen Hong Kong to the world. As I have repeatedly written and called for previously – this is not only a sensible and hu ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-09

The secret art of saying No

Life throws at you many opportunities. Opportunities to climb, to earn, to gain and learn. Opportunities to further one’s fledgling career, to preserve a crumbling legacy, or, indeed, to find what it ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-04

Heat wave everywhere

It’s so, so hot. That statement applies not only to Hong Kong, which has seen one of the hottest Julys on record – and that’s saying something. It is also true of UK – where talk of the weather is ubi ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-29

Towards a bold yet measured reopening of Hong Kong

Hong Kong must reopen, promptly. Hong Kongers know this. Tell this to the thousands stranded abroad, keenly awaiting the next flight – and hotel slots – back to their hometown. Tell this to the many m ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-27

Cryptocurrency and geopolitics

Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of giving a few talks and addresses on the intersection of cryptocurrency and geopolitics – at Oxford, in Hong Kong (over zoom), and other platforms. As ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-20

Mr. Brightside

And so – I made it! Managed to scramble (stumble) through the plethora of hurdles that stood between me and home – after flight cancellations, hotel cancellations, rebookings after a chase madder than ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19

It's high time to end Hong Kong’s quarantine inanities

For the love of Hong Kong, for the love of the rest of the country, it is high time that we put an end, once and for all, the quarantine inanities that are effectively killing – if they haven’t alread ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

On the Tory race

With BoJo’s resignation (finally! One would be forgiven for imagining BoJo to be as tenacious as Diana Rigg’s Olenna in Game of Thrones, or, as persistently irksome as the candidate Olenna disposed at ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-14

What makes a nation?

To begin with, it’s imperative that we differentiate between the following terms – the nation, and the state. The state denotes a geophysical fixture – an entity that is recognised by international la ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-04

The politics of hope

I’ve been asked this question many a time – how do we keep faith? How do we remain hopeful? How can we see light at the end of a tunnel that repeatedly refuses to end? That’s the question of the centu ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

On the Jumbo ship’s sinking

There has been a plethora of hot takes over the closure – and subsequent, more recent, sinking – of the Jumbo Floating Restaurant. The floating restaurant had once been Hong Kong’s hallmark tourist at ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-24

On the Tangshan assault

The recent assault on two women by a mob of men in Tangshan, sent ripples across the Chinese netisphere. Not only were many deeply repulsed by the wanton and cantankerous violence towards the women, t ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-15

The messiness of the Depp-Heard saga

I’ve held off from sharing my two cents of worth on the ongoing Depp-Heard saga – in part because I do not think I have anything unique to say, but also in part due to the messiness of the quagmire. T ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-14

What is necessary for the making of a sound politician?

Now, some posit that a necessary ingredient of a genuinely profound public servant – is their devotion to the people. In jurisdictions where the “people” are equated with the results of popular, major ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-09

Boris Johnson survives…yet at what cost?

In case you missed it – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson survived a vote of no confidence within his party (that is, an internal vote that is effectively an intra-party version of the national vot ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-08

ScoMo, Mo More

Woke up last weekend (or the weekend before, really) to the fantastic news that Scott Morrison had been booted. With a sweeping Labour victory came the end to the shambolic Liberal-National coalition ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-30

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