
共 188 個結果
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Huawei to face first challenge without Google support

... ording to Counterpoint Research, Huawei held around 26 percent of the European market in the first quarter this year, behind Samsung’s 31 percent but ahead of Apple’s 21 percent. However, its market s ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-03


... 。 根據市場研究公司Counterpoint,印度目前是小米除中國以外最大的市場。IDC數據顯示,小米連續8季 ...全文



... 。 根據市場研究公司Counterpoint,印度目前是小米除中國之外最大的市場,手機出貨量達7000萬部。 ...全文


Oppo eyes HK market after overtaking Apple in global shipment

... ording to Counterpoint Research, Chinese brands Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi and Realme cornered a combined market share of 42 percent in the second quarter. This is their largest market share so far, a ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-20


... ,其他市場研究公司如Counterpoint Research、IDC的資料則顯示,iPhone第二季出貨量雖 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月12日

Why Apple is boosting iPhone production in India

... ording to Counterpoint Research, Apple sold only 220,000 iPhones in India in the first quarter of this year, down 42 percent compared to the same period in 2018. For the full year, sales are seen at j ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16


... 0多萬部。 調研公司Counterpoint數據顯示,今年首季,按出貨量計算,小米在印度智能手機市場的份額為2 ...全文



市場調查機構Counterpoint Research公布,全球智能手錶出貨量於今年首季增長48%,蘋果貢獻三 ...全文


智能手錶首季出貨量增48% 蘋果續奪冠

研究機構Counterpoint公布,全球智能手錶出貨量於今年首季增長48%,蘋果貢獻三分一增長量,三星、Fi ...全文


OnePlus 7 Pro set to challenge top rivals in premium segment

... ording to Counterpoint Research’s market monitor service. The ranking is based on the shipment of smartphones priced above US$400. The top five brands accounted for “almost 90 percent of shipments” a ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-25

Low Tech有得撈

... 摩記多於中國品牌。據Counterpoint Research統計,去年第三季度, Motorola在北美市場 ...全文


Huawei bets on P30 series to boost market share amid US moves

... data from Counterpoint Research. According to the latest industry estimates from research firm IDC, Samsung was the top smartphone vendor in the global market in the fourth quarter with an 18.7 percen ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-20

iPhone sales fall 20% in China while Huawei sees 23% rise

... ong-based Counterpoint, earlier this month confirmed a similar sharp fall in sales in India – another big emerging market where Apple is struggling. Counterpoint said iPhone sales in the fourth quarte ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

南韓印度推新低端智能手機 抗衡中國對手

... 根據科技市場研究公司Counterpoint,三星智能手機在印度的銷量落後於小米。 Warsi指出,M系手機只 ...全文



... 家視為高檔奢侈品。 Counterpoint研究主管沙阿(Neil Shah)表示,中國手機品牌已在設計、創新 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年01月05日

Why Xiaomi is relaunching Redmi brand in sluggish market

... ording to Counterpoint Research data, Xiaomi held only a 13 percent share of China's smartphone market in the third quarter of 2018, while Huawei led the market with a 20 percent share. In fact, the H ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04

Can Apple retain its crown in the high-end smartphone market?

... ording to Counterpoint Research’s Market Monitor. The growth was driven by new iPhone models along with flagship launches by key Chinese players such as Oppo and Vivo.  On Wednesday, after the market ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03

Apple has bigger problem than China court injunction

... ording to Counterpoint Research, Apple's market share in China has been declining from 15 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017 to only 8 percent in the third quarter this year. Much of its lost share ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-12

Can Nokia recover lost glory in smartphone market?

... arch firm Counterpoint Insight said Nokia was the fastest growing smartphone brand in the third quarter, posting a 71 percent year-on-year growth. It shipped 4.8 million units in the last quarter, up ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-11


三星在今年第三季全球智能手機市場上居首,華為和蘋果公司則緊隨其後。 市場研究公司Counterpoint Re ...全文


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