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Lockheed eyes Tata as F-16 partner for next big India jet deal

Lockheed Martin Corp. may link up with the Tata Group to build F-16 fighter jets for India. “Naturally we would gravitate to Tata," George Standridge, Lockheed’s vice president for aeronautics strateg ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-26

General Dynamics前景堪憂純屬錯覺

... 在二戰後一直負責製造F-16戰機,直至1993年才將技術和生產線售給Lockheed Martin,長期作為F ...全文


土國陸軍裝備 北約最強

... 。值得一提的是,美製F-16戰機行銷全球,不少用戶像新加坡、台灣和阿聯酋等均有能力維修甚至生產個別零部件,但若 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 寰球信識李坤乘2016年04月09日

US flies B-52 bomber over South Korea after North's nuclear test

...  American F-16 and a South Korean F-15, before returning to Guam, the US military was quoted as saying in a statement. Osan is south of Seoul and 77 kilometers from the Demilitarized Zone that separat ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-11

Chinese-made weapons have become the best-seller in Africa

... e US-made F-16. Even though the JF-17 is hardly comparable to the F-16 both in terms of quality and technology, for most cash-strapped African countries desperate to modernize their air forces, the Ch ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14


... 三代單引擎戰機的美製F-16,卻至少貴三倍以上。雖然兩者根本不是同一檔次的貨色,但「梟龍」對非洲窮國而言還是有 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global李坤乘2015年12月12日

世界大戰打不起 美滙強勢未見頂

甲、 土耳其周二以兩架美製F-16戰機擊落一架俄羅斯國產SU-24,是這兩天來最「熱門」的新聞,雖然有關的報道 ...全文


土稱戰機侵領空17秒 俄方否認

... 多次警告後無效後才派F-16戰機將之擊落,並率先公布圖片證實。俄方亦以圖片反駁,強調戰機從未入侵土方領空。 土 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年11月26日

土國擊落俄戰機 敍局勢更混亂

... 時20分),出動多架F-16戰機,在5分鐘內向入侵領土的兩架俄國戰機發出10次警告,但對方無反應,於是開火並把 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年11月25日

NATO denounces Russian incursion into Turkish airspace

... mbled two F-16 jets on Saturday after a Russian aircraft crossed into its airspace near its southern province of Hatay, the Turkish foreign ministry said. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said h ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-06

US deploys F-16s to Turkey, widens fight against Islamic State

The US Air Force has deployed F-16 fighter jets to Turkey after agreeing with Ankara to step up strikes on Islamic State targets in northern Syria. The squadron arrived at Incirlik Air Base in Sunday. ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

Egypt opens Suez Canal extension, vows to defeat terrorism

... rs and US F-16 warplanes staged a flypast, while helicopters flew overhead and naval vessels escorted the yacht in the televised ceremony. In Cairo's Tahrir Square a crowd of about 300 gathered in the ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-07

Turkish jets hit PKK targets in Iraq after soldiers killed

... r Turkish F-16 fighter jets deployed from the Diyarbakir air base in the country's mainly Kurdish southeast hit PKK targets in Hakurk in northern Iraq, the sources told Reuters. The strike came after ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

Jordan king vows 'relentless' war on IS territory

... after his F-16 crashed. Government spokesman Mohammad al-Momani said Wednesday: "We are talking about a collaborative effort between coalition members to intensify efforts to stop extremism and terror ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-05

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