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...  Learning Gap,也有類似的觀察:在中國和日本,學生學業成績不佳,家長會怪自己的孩子;在美國,家長會 ...全文


The EU’s trillion-euro question

... this, the gap between Europe and the United States suggests that the EU’s falling productivity may reflect smaller contributions to growth from investment in technology and innovation. Since the end o ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-17

Overcoming challenges of cloud transformation, talent shortage

... ll skills gap here? Chan: Collaboration with governmental agencies inevitably offers opportunities to equip the workforce to raise their digital skills. The myriad of government initiatives to develop ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-14


世界盃前最後一輪英超,曼城爆大冷輸波,阿仙奴順利取3分,英國《太陽報》標題「Mind the gap」叮囑榜首 ...全文


Technology bridges the manufacturing labour gap in 3 ways

...  critical gaps and empower their workers with new tools and techniques. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is one such technology that is changing manufacturers' productivity game. It can help manuf ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-11

It’s the energy system, stupid

... financing gap was a hot topic. But the rich world’s 2009 pledge to provide the developing world with at least $100 billion in climate financing per year by 2020 still is not being met. Without a subst ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-10

開市焦點:黑期今早升百點 多想雲首掛料爆升

... ),以全現金方式收購Gap大中華區業務。交易尚待審批, 內地整合營銷解決方案服務商多想雲(06696)今天掛牌 ...全文


全現金接手 料2023上半年完成交易

多個國際服裝品牌近兩年相繼縮減甚至關閉中國業務,最新一個為美國服裝品牌Gap,該品牌今年8月才傳出在內地大規模 ...全文


恒指先升後跌 阿里美團累事

... ing yield gap)超過8%,冠絕亞太區。MSCI中國指數的首10大權重股有9隻在港上市,包括騰訊(0 ...全文



寶尊電商(09991)公布,向美國服裝公司The Gap收購蓋璞上海及蓋璞台灣的全部股權,最高代價共5000萬 ...全文


Modern data protection: Surviving and thriving in a hybrid world

... ren’t any gaps or vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. On top of this, while all this change has been going on, CIOs have often had to prioritise. So, while security teams might have a growing l ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-08


... 得鼓掌。 黃鐦最叻搞gap,電影名都玩一餐,估不到搞「鬼」也有一手,令人忍俊不禁。《猛鬼監獄》諷刺明星醉駕之餘 ...全文



... he Gender Gap),入面談及的一些有趣事實,更是想都沒想過! 例如口袋,你可知西方古代女性的衣服是沒 ...全文


The state is taking back energy

... nvestment gap that has emerged. Additional funds are needed to meet future demand for all forms of energy and associated infrastructure. Financing the transition to a low-carbon economy will require v ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

Backup as last line of defense against HK ransomware threats

... ta be air-gapped, stored offline, or immutable. This is imperative for effectively defending against ransomware. We’ve also added a zero, for zero backup errors, to the rule because automated backup v ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-29

Making net-zero pledges count

... close the gap between the promises we hear and the action we need. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-27

China and Europe are drifting apart

... risk. The gap between China and Europe is widening. It reverses four decades of friendship since the start of the reform and open-door era. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-22


面對成本上升和銷售下跌,美國服裝零售商Gap計劃裁減500個職位,主要影響三藩市和紐約,以及亞洲的辦公室崗位。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年09月22日

China and Europe are drifting apart

... risk. The gap between China and Europe is widening. It ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年09月22日


美國服裝零售集團Gap將裁減500個企業辦事處職位,以尋求在收入下滑情況下保持邊際利潤率。 消息曝光後,Gap ...全文


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