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... 美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)禁止相關產品繼續進入美國市場銷售。這場訴訟對松騰而言,關係到未來發展命脈,是場艱困 ...全文


Mexican dance to the tune of NAFTA and elections

... mmission (ITC) 90 calendar days' notice prior to signing an agreement. It also must give the ITC 105 days to assess the deal. No agreement has been reached. While the US, Canadian and Mexican negotiat ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-04


... 8號項目、上海徐家匯ITC及南京IFC等,將進一步帶動經常性收入及現金流增長。 郭炳聯又稱,集團現時擁有可觀的 ...全文


美國ITC終裁中國進口鋁箔損美業界 將徵高關稅

美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)表示已作出最終裁決,指自中國進口的鋁箔對美國生產商造成損害。此舉意味將對中國相關出 ...全文



美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)表示,不會對加拿大龐巴迪(Bombardier)向美國出售的新客機徵收懲罰性關稅, ...全文


波音業績頂呱呱 敗訴無關痛癢

... 美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)上周五駁回波音對加拿大飛機製造商龐巴迪(Bombardier)的指控,裁定後者未對 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月02日

美國ITC駁回波音投訴 龐巴迪C系機沒傾銷

美國貿易機關、國際貿易委員會(ITC)以4票對0票,裁定美國飛機生產商波音對加拿大龐巴迪的投訴不成立,因此龐巴 ...全文


特朗普狂加關稅 南韓巨擘毋懼

... 美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)告狀,要求ITC向政府建議對大型家用洗衣機徵收50%的進口關稅,以確保LG電子及三 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年01月25日

US slaps steep tariffs on imported washers, solar panels

... ions from ITC members, while the solar tariffs were lower than domestic producers had hoped for, the news agency said. Trump will impose a 20 percent tariff on the first 1.2 million imported large res ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-23

Qualcomm files new patent complaints against Apple

...  with the ITC that seeks the remedy of banning iPhones with Intel chips, Reuters reports. The other two cases are civil patent infringement lawsuits. The new complaints represent the latest developmen ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01


美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)周二表示,已向政府建議對入口南韓洗衣機徵收50%額外懲罰關稅, 懲罰南韓生產商以低 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年11月23日

Tech group sides with Apple in Qualcomm's iPhone ban dispute

... . "If the ITC were to grant this exclusion order, it would help Qualcomm use its monopoly power for further leverage against Apple and allow them to drive up prices on consumer devices," Ed Black, the ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-21

高通蘋果 拳來腳往

封鎖邊境!收掉那些違禁品!美國晶片生產商高通(Qualcomm)上周四要求美國國際交易委員會(ITC)禁止進口 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月10日


... 里公幹的親戚推薦了在ITC 酒店的Bukhara,翌晚便尋香去。 入門便見到英國首相貝理雅、美國總統克林頓的照 ...全文



... 國會國際貿易委員會(ITC)正在對TPP做深入評估,可能需要幾個月時間。我們希望ITC能帶來比當前分析更完整、 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2016年03月04日

Bosideng seeks global brand status

...  he said. ITC SPC, a joint venture between ITOCHU and CITIC Securities, has agreed to invest in Bosideng, according to an April 24 filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange. Bosideng will issue 1.3 billi ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-28

US confirms dumping duties on China, Taiwan solar products

... sion. The ITC will make its final decision by Jan. 29. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RA ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-17

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