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Trump defends Syria troop pullout during surprise Iraq visit

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday defended his decision to withdraw American troops from Syria, saying many people will start seeing things on Syria the same way he does, Reuters reports. “I thin ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

特朗普成全 土國將重擊庫爾德

美國宣布全面撤出敍利亞後,強鄰土耳其日後在沒有美軍掣肘下,預料會大展拳腳對付庫爾德武裝分子,乘機殲滅這批當局宣 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月21日

土耳其囚禁記者仍最多 中國居次
極權政府打壓新聞自由 西方噤聲捱批

國際倡議組織保護記者委員會(CPJ)公布年度報告,發現今年全球共有251名記者被囚禁,是連續3年有超過250名 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月14日

Saudi Arabia braces for tougher post-election US attitude

Saudi Arabia is girding itself for a potentially more strained relationship with the United States in the wake of Democrats gaining control of the House of Representatives in last week’s US mid-term e ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-12

Merkel, Macron defend multilaterism at Paris forum

The leaders of Germany and France called for a unified approach to fostering world peace at a forum in Paris on Sunday that was attended by dozens of heads of state and government. German Chancellor A ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-12

美重啟制裁伊朗 歐俄謀另闢出路

伊朗周二表示,儘管受到美國的壓力,但該國迄今為止仍能按自己的需要出口石油。伊朗呼籲反對美國制裁的歐洲國家採取進 ...全文



土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)表明,不會理會本周美國對伊朗實施的制裁。 埃爾多 ...全文



沙地記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)在伊斯坦布爾領事館失蹤逾1個多月,卡舒吉兩個兒子接受美國有線電 ...全文



沙地知名記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)在沙地駐土耳其伊斯坦布爾領事館遇害一個月後,土耳其總統埃爾 ...全文



德國總理默克爾駁斥其辭去德國基督教民主黨(CDU)黨魁一職,將使其成為跛腳鴨總理,無法有效地與美國總統特朗普或 ...全文


US unlikely to go after Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi’s death

As the saga over the killing of Jamal Khashoggi continues to unfold, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday there is compelling evidence suggesting that the order to kill the Saudi dissident ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25

Saudi crown prince vows to bring Khashoggi killers to justice

Saudi Arabia’s powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman vowed that the killers of Jamal Khashoggi would be brought to justice, in his first public comments since the journalist’s murder sparked globa ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25


沙地阿拉伯記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)遇害已過3周,王儲穆罕默德(Mohammed bin S ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月25日

Saudis staged 'worst cover-up ever' on Khashoggi, says Trump

Saudi authorities staged the "worst cover-up ever" in the killing of prominent journalist Jamal Khashoggi this month, US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday, as Washington vowed to revoke the visas ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-24

美國不會制裁盟友 沙地王儲難防眾敵

流亡土耳其的沙地阿拉伯異見記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)遇害案繼續發酵,經過連日來情節迥異的不同 ...全文



沙地記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)月初在土耳其沙地領事館遇害,土耳其總統埃爾多安(Tayyip ...全文



土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)預告,將就著名記者卡舒吉(Jamal Khash ...全文


國王收拾殘局 警惕太子權力

卡舒吉案演變成國際焦點後,沙地至今仍未確實交代。有王室消息向路透表示,國王薩勒曼(King Salman)在事 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月20日

MBS: Riding roughshod or playing a risky game of bluff poker?

A stalemate in efforts to determine what happened to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is threatening to escalate into a crisis that could usher in a new era in relations between the United States and ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-16

土國釋放美牧師 特朗普外交勝利
傳兩國協議輕判 擬聯手向沙地施壓

美國與土耳其的關係有轉好跡象,遭土耳其扣禁超過兩年的美國牧師布倫森(Andrew Brunson),周五在多名 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月13日

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