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反擊倫敦市長 英200巨企聯署撐留歐

... Morrisons及Tesco都不表態,保持中立。 溫拓思昨日表示,渣打已開始就英國一旦脫歐制定緊急應變計劃, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月24日

單身大遊行 粉碎情人節

... 情人節,英國連鎖超巿Tesco最近也被指有員工默默用行動向情人節作出反擊,原因是有人發現超巿近來作情人節促銷, ...全文


集體訴訟 = 自己告自己

... 。以英國最大連鎖超市Tesco為例。Tesco上周向美國預託證券(ADR)持有人支付了1200萬美元賠償,以解 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年12月01日

亂定目標 自吃苦果

... 。以英國大型連鎖超市Tesco為例。與很多銀行一樣,Tesco正身陷困境,而上台不久的管理層也承諾要把業務推上 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年11月03日


... 。但當畢非德也會買錯Tesco,世上又豈有必然的贏家? 將相本無種,男兒當自強。 Gladwell的另一著作便 ...全文



... M及世界第三大零售商Tesco仿效複製至旗下超市。物聯網令實體物品從此聯繫起來,讓內容營銷不再受媒介的限制,發 ...全文


Tesco to sell Korean unit to MBK-led group for US$6.1 bln

British grocer Tesco agreed to sell its South Korean business to a group led by private-equity firm MBK Partners for 4 billion pounds (US$6.1 billion) in a bid to ease the strain on its debt-laden bal ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-08

Why CR Enterprise restructuring is a wise move

...  retailer Tesco in a joint venture in October 2013 in an attempt to cement its status as one of the leading retailers in the mainland. However, the loss-making joint venture dragged down its overall e ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-24

China Resources said to mull retail assets revamp

...  retailer Tesco in mainland China. China Resources Group chairman Fu Yuning has said that he aims to turn around the retailing business in one year, according to mainland media. Translation by Vey Won ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-15

Why CR Enterprise is unlikely to rebound in the near term

... ture with Tesco PLC. Tesco’s heavy loss has significantly affected the performance of the retail segment. The retail business unit posted a 15 percent rise in turnover to HK$109.5 billion. But the seg ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-27

Foreign retailers in China: adapt or perish

... ish giant Tesco abandoned its solo approach to China and paid nearly US$558 million to form a joint venture with China Resources Enterprise (CRE) to merge its 134 Chinese supermarkets and 11 shopping ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-11

China market is not for everyone

... ery giant Tesco (TSCO.L) kicked off the trend last year, when it rolled its chain of 131 Chinese grocery stores into a joint venture with local partner China Resources Enterprise (00291.HK). Before th ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-24

TESCO to be booked in CRE 2H results, see profit in three years

China Resources Enterprise Ltd. (00291.HK) expects to book TESCO Plc into its financial results in the second half and the loss-making supermarket can become profitable in three years, top management ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-20

CP Group has a rare misstep in China

... ket chain Tesco decided to fold its unprofitable retail operations in China into state-run China Resources Enterprise Ltd. and become a minority partner. Dhanin named the Lotus supermarket chain after ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-02

Do foreign supermarkets really understand the China market?

...  example, Tesco’s big-box concept -- stocking large stores with a wide array of products -- has failed to cater to Chinese consumers’ growing preference for smaller and less pricey supermarkets closer ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-16

Tesco, China Resources form retail tie-up in China, Xinhua says

Britain’s biggest retailer, Tesco Plc., said on Wednesday that it has signed an agreement with mainland conglomerate China Resources Enterprise Ltd. (00291.HK) to set up a retailing joint venture in C ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-03

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