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港美股王差太遠 騰訊難撐起恒指

... 下新的一頁。 蘋果的Apple Card被轟涉嫌性別歧視,但無礙股價破頂,相信是歸功於實體產品暢銷,iPhon ...全文



... 記者們相信,歐盟控告Apple Inc.逃稅,「原來」反映歐洲那邊的法律有問題!只有用心鑽研國際稅務條例的記者 ...全文


Goldman faces probe over 'sexist' Apple Card

Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak joined in the online debate over accusations of gender discrimination by the algorithm behind the iPhone maker’s credit card, fuelling scrutiny of the newly launche ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11

男性借貸額度高20倍 蘋果信用卡被指歧視

科技巨擘蘋果公司和華爾街大行高盛在美國聯手發行的新信用卡「蘋果卡」(Apple Card),被一名持卡人在Tw ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月11日


... 關稅影響。 歐盟關注Apple Pay涉反競爭 美國總統特朗普最遲將於11月13日決定,是否向歐盟汽車加關稅。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月09日

Lion King lifts Disney earnings, streaming costs under budget

... vice from Apple Inc. and offerings from AT&T Inc.’s WarnerMedia and Comcast Corp. next year. Distribution agreements with Apple, Samsung and others “show they understand this is an ecosystem, and ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-08

歐盟關注Apple Pay支付市場競爭情況

歐盟競爭專員維斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)表示,對於蘋果Apple Pay手機支付服務的市場 ...全文


Qualcomm shares surge on strong profit forecast

Qualcomm Inc. forecast current-quarter profit above Wall Street expectations, as its all-important licensing segment benefits from a deal with Apple Inc. and the annual holiday quarter boost it brings ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07

Lack of Google software imperils Huawei Mate 30 series

Huawei Technologies has been the fastest-growing smartphone brand in the market over the past few years. And in the most recent quarters, it has surpassed Apple to become number two in terms of global ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-06

Apple pledges US$2.5 billion to fight California housing crisis

Apple Inc. said it will commit US$2.5 billion to easing a housing shortage that has driven up prices across California, with most of the money dedicated to funds that will be run either with or by the ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05


... 費6.99美元;蘋果Apple TV+則為新購買其硬件的用戶,提供一年免費優惠,其後每個月收費4.99美元。 ...全文


Price cuts, iPhone 11 timing drive Apple rebound in China

Apple Inc. managed to largely stem a fall in China revenue in the September quarter thanks to the release-timing of the iPhone 11, a cheaper variant, and a bit of good luck, but analysts said the comp ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01

新iPhone熱賣 庫克唱好收入升

... 好,而AirPod、Apple Watch及其他串流產品銷量也有所增長。 業績公布後,蘋果股價周四開市後最多曾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月01日

蘋果擬推Apple Card免息分期購iPhone

蘋果公司行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)透露,今年稍後,蘋果將推出虛擬信用卡Apple Card免息分期購買i ...全文


Apple issues upbeat holiday sales forecast

Apple on Wednesday forecast sales for the crucial holiday shopping quarter ahead of Wall Street expectations, with CEO Tim Cook envisaging strong demand for wearables and new launches such as the nois ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-31

逆市首駐香港 新鮮感料抵社運影響

... 及日本、擁有「咖啡界Apple」之稱的Blue Bottle Coffee(藍瓶咖啡)將打入香港市場,預租中環 ...全文


Huawei boosts share in China smartphone market to 42%

... 0.HK) and Apple, which together accounted for 50 percent of the market in the third quarter, down from 64 percent a year earlier. The third-quarter sales also mark Apple’s weakest quarter in China for ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

HBO Max to launch in May with new Game of Thrones series

... isney and Apple for the future of TV. The price, which many expected to be higher, surprised the financial analysts and investors attending the WarnerMedia presentation on Tuesday. HBO Max is expected ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

Apple Pay in EU antitrust spotlight

Apple Inc. faces more regulatory woes in Europe as EU antitrust regulators ask online sales companies whether they have been told to use its mobile payment service instead of rival services, an EU doc ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

歐盟關注蘋果Apple Pay有否涉及壟斷

路透報道,歐盟反壟斷監管機構正詢問網購企業,以確定蘋果有否迫使企業必須使用Apple Pay支付服務,而不可使 ...全文


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