Internet security experts have found technical clues that could link North Korea with the WannaCry "ransomware" cyber-attack that has infected computers across the world since Friday, Reuters reports. ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-16
A major cyber-attack that affected several companies and organizations in dozens of countries around the world late last week could cause more disruptions, experts warned. Although the spread of a "ra ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-15
勒索軟件WannaCry上周五起肆虐全球電腦,截至昨天,已波及至少150個國家、逾20萬個受害者,相信是歷來規 ...全文
美股業績期本周步入尾聲, 家得寶(Home Depot)及沃爾瑪(Walmart)等重磅零售股壓軸登場,或能一 ...全文
美國經典驚慄片《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs)的導演尊尼芬狄米(Jonath ...全文
近年「快閃」Pop-up Store成為一股潮流。兩年前Tom Dixon在英國策劃一間臨時的商場Multip ...全文
跨世代社會流動(Intergenerational social mobility)是指子女的社會經濟地位與父 ...全文
今日信報時事評論廖柏偉 林潔珍 甄定軒2017年04月18日
... 新股收購,令老余想起TOM集團(02383)在王兟年代神奇的5.51元收購價。 順勢借機炒起股價 以超高溢價發 ...全文
姬蒂.泰萊(Kat Taylor)是共益州立銀行(Beneficial State Bank,下稱BSB)的C ...全文
Established in Central in 1999, the Michelin-recognized Café Siam has opened a branch in Kennedy Town, featuring authentic Thai signature dishes and exclusive creations that cuisine lovers must try. F ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-31
Warren Buffett's compensation for running Berkshire Hathaway Inc. edged up 4.0 percent last year to US$487,881 reflecting the higher cost of keeping the world's second-richest person safe. Buffett's p ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-20