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... 況欠佳,金手指謝清海惠理集團(00806)亦發盈警,基金互認金手指大配股,出神入化,成為今次「大時代」的大贏家 ...全文


逆轉思維 靜觀其變

「在市場內最危險的事情並不是投機於高風險的資產,而是買入一些自以為安全的風險資產。」一位前輩在Facebook ...全文

今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年02月06日

惠理發盈警 料少賺69%

環球經濟放緩,去年亞太區股票市場弱勢,「股壇金手指」謝清海掌舵的惠理集團(00806)昨天收市後發盈警,預期去 ...全文


股市不穩 黃金投資升溫

黃金是貴金屬投資中最熱門的選擇, 除了因為可被用作珠寶首飾、有實用價值外,還可以作為避險資產,在投資組合中發揮 ...全文



惠理集團(00806)公布,截至2015年12月底,未經審核管理資產總值約156億美元,較11月底增加3億美元 ...全文


中港不振 韓股ETF覓機遇

2016年伊始,中港股市繼續動盪,本月上旬即現小型崩盤,滬指更愈跌愈急,1月份首10個交易日中,已有3個交易日 ...全文



去年中央密集式推出各項改革藍圖,預計改革大主題將繼續貫穿2016年。隨着更多改革細節出台,加上去年一度籠罩市場 ...全文



羊年漸晚、猴年臨近之際,筆者藉此機會預祝各位讀者投資順利,度過一個豐盛安穩的好年。展望2016年大市表現,內地 ...全文



2016年首日,費高已開宗明義,至少在大半年內,擔任股市淡友。睇淡,並非單純的靠邊站,而是一種嚴謹的取態︰若論 ...全文

今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年01月02日

How investors can prepare for the year-end

The Hong Kong market has been fairly volatile in the second half of this year. Investors are waiting for the first US rate hike in nearly nine years. I hope stocks enjoy a good uptick in the latter ha ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15

How to select stocks amid stalling economic growth

The Hang Seng Index is likely to trade in the range of 21,800 to 23,200 points as investors start winding up their positions for the year-end. Investors should take a medium-term approach to selecting ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08

PSL or QE? Whatever you call it, the endgame is the same

The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) is reportedly considering its own version of quantitative easing (QE) by directly buying commercial bank assets or local government debt. The move is aimed at injecti ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-29

Value Partners upbeat on Chinese corporate bonds

Investors are overly pessimistic about the corporate bond market in mainland China despite the better returns it offers, according to Value Partners Group Ltd. (00806.HK). Chinese bond yields have a 3 ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-28

Letter to a young investor: Try hard, play hard

Dear Zijian, From your letter, I gather that you graduated from university recently and that you are focused on value investing. You say you are perplexed that your investment performance has not been ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-13

Short-selling via through-train may not dent A-shares: experts

The Shanghai stock market is unlikely to be impacted much by an upcoming short-selling service under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program, according to observers. The first trial run of the ne ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-12

HK stocks could be lackluster in 2015: hedge fund manager

Hong Kong's stock market could remain relatively flat in 2015, with a cross-border trading program launched in November last year unlikely to give a significant boost to local equities, according to a ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-05

HKEJ Today: Highlights

Following is a summary of major news and comments in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of EJ Insight, on Tuesday, March 11: TOP STORIES Hong Kong, mainland stock markets seen weak ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-11

China Vanke gets nod for B-H share switch, paper says

China Vanke Co., Ltd. (000002.CN) gained regulatory approval Monday to convert its Shenzhen-listed B shares to an H-share listing in Hong Kong, the Economic Information Daily reported Tuesday. China R ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-04

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