... 夠與死神擦身而過,是the Grace of the God!他並沒有大篇幅針對拜登,反而是呼籲美國人此刻要團 ...全文
... 0012)黃埔街1號THE HADDON,今年5月公布首批價錢,折實平均呎價19280元,環海.東岸較之低約6 ...全文
... 和經驗。今年重頭戲「The Greatest Show演藝欣賞日」,讓擁有各種天份的學生在台上展示學習成果。 ...全文
... 另外,美國科技媒體The Information報道,蘋果最快將於2026年推出摺疊式iPhone,近月已聯 ...全文
“Our technology is always the leader in our sector, so we stand in a very favourable position. No-one can compete with us. TSMC will continue to maintain this superiority.” These were the proud words ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-24
One of the most fascinating puzzles I enjoy teaching in philosophy is the Non-Identity Problem. Consider the following: A bureaucrat is deliberating over whether to construct a dam near a village in a ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-24
What are the necessary – though by no means sufficient – ingredients for a successful tourism strategy? There are a couple of criteria that are worthy of consideration: firstly, novelty; secondly, uni ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-24
據The Information報道,蘋果公司正在研製一款折疊螢幕iPhone,預計在2026年發布。 新款手 ...全文
... 5B。此外,根據外媒The Information報道,微軟(Microsoft)及OpenAI計劃斥資100 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年07月24日
... still on the rec」,之後才更正並聳聳肩。支持特朗普的共和黨眾議員格林質疑她是否想說「錄音(r ...全文
... risks and the decentralisation illusion". BIS Quarterly ...全文
今日信報時事評論龍虎山下謝國生 章穎芝 何敏淙2024年07月24日
鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN A座高層7室,實用面積約228方呎,開放式戶型,獲同區人士垂青,以月租1.58萬 ...全文
元朗The YOHO Hub 2座低層G室,實用面積348方呎,1房間隔,月租1.7萬元租出,實用呎租48.9 ...全文