
共 2421 個結果
頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...122

fb行銷最受捧 76%港企使用

... 有8%則選用亞馬遜(Amazon)。 港人網上消費 旅遊佔最多 畢馬威中國亞太區消費和零售主管合夥人利安生(A ...全文


人工智能冒起 經濟締新動力

... 首家「無收銀員」超市Amazon Go,周一在美國西雅圖開張,店內的天花安裝了攝影機和偵測器,追蹤顧客從貨架拿 ...全文


Soros calls Facebook, Google monopolies that threaten democracy

... g Google, Amazon and Apple, for antitrust practices. Soros said the European Union, which has no internet giants of its own, was best placed to "protect society against them" since US regulators were ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-26


... 的報道,都係畀亞馬遜Amazon打到一塌糊塗,谷底如何反彈呢?關鍵就是成個局面的變化源自於二○一六年八月關鍵一 ...全文


美超市龍頭求援 抗衡Amazon Go

全球電商龍頭亞馬遜旗下的無人店Amazon Go日前正式開張,強勢進軍實體零售業務,美國連鎖超市Kroger亦 ...全文


午間新聞精選:港股高開低走 吐百點

...  亞馬遜旗下的無人店Amazon Go日前正式開張,《紐約郵報》報道,美國最大超級市場集團Kroger擬尋求與 ...全文



亞馬遜旗下的無人店Amazon Go日前正式開張,《紐約郵報》報道,美國最大超級市場集團Kroger擬尋求與阿 ...全文


How the sharing economy model keeps evolving

... et leader Amazon Web Services said it will start charging its customers by the second for use of its popular EC2 virtual slices of servers in its data centers. The highly flexible charging scheme is s ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-25

瑞銀:騰訊平保回落 看好留意騰訊購19339平保購21684

... 收市上升1.18%,Amazon升2.65%,Facebook亦上升超過2%,所以當周三騰訊股價下跌,投資者都 ...全文


Google enters audiobook market in challenge to Amazon

Alphabet Inc.’s Google has introduced audiobooks to its online store, making its smart speakers and virtual assistant more competitive with Amazon.com Inc.’s Echo devices and Alexa voice assistant, Re ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-24

Apple to release HomePod speaker in three markets on Feb 9

... ings from Amazon and Google, Reuters noted. It can offer music suggestions and adjust home temperatures, and will also be able to send messages and play news updates from National Public Radio and CNN ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-24


... 7年另一重要消息,是Amazon為其AWS部門的數據服務引入了按秒計費模式,意味客戶能以更低價格使用特定工具。 ...全文


Netflix crosses US$100 billion market cap as subscribers surge

... f Disney, Amazon.com Inc., studios-owned Hulu and local competitors that are jumping into online video. In 2017, Netflix recorded its first full-year profit in international markets. The company has s ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-23


經過一年多的營運測試,亞馬遜旗下的無人店Amazon Go昨天正式開張。商店位於美國西雅圖市,佔地1800方呎 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年01月23日

巨人俯視眈眈 ADT舉步維艱

... 上,ADT把亞馬遜(Amazon)、蘋果、Google這些大科企塑造成低價值「小玩意」的供應者。消費者可以選擇 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年01月23日

Amazon opens automated grocery store in Seattle

Amazon.com Inc. will open its checkout-free grocery store to the public on Monday after more than a year of testing, moving forward on an experiment that could dramatically alter brick-and-mortar reta ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-22


據CNBC引述消息人士報道,亞馬遜(Amazon)剛剛聘用了一名負責為基礎醫療服務供應商Iora Health ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月22日


... 行力強勁,如聲控平台Amazon Alexa是其粉絲最喜愛使用的平台,叫Domino's薄餅的功能已從預設模式 ...全文


Amazon shortlists 20 cities for 'HQ2'

E-commerce giant Amazon on Thursday unveiled a shortlist of 20 locations for its planned second headquarters, with the Canadian city of Toronto figuring on the list. The finalists, chosen from among 2 ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-19

Rivalry in smart speaker market heating up

... 2017 CES, Amazon was the biggest winner with its Alexa virtual assistant. There used to be no direct competition between Google and Amazon, as search engine is the core business of Google, while onlin ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-18

頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...122

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