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大多商品跟大隊 供求主導僅兩類

... 但據美國能源情報署(EIA)的月度數據估計,求減供缺口今年較去年差;不過,明年將回復近去年水平。故明年合理油價 ...全文



... 品 美國能源資訊署(EIA)和國際能源署(IEA)發表能源前景報告。EIA一邊上調今年美國油產量預測每日4萬桶 ...全文


息魔未退 港股短線受壓

... 面,美國能源信息署(EIA)公布,上周原油、汽油和精煉油庫存均低於預期,刺激紐約期油日前一周回升4.5%,至4 ...全文



... 源部屬下能源訊息署(EIA)宣布,全美製電能源份額中,天然氣在9月以35%超越煤炭的34.9%成為最大電力來源 ...全文


新興貨幣捱沽 美股回穩

... 2美元。能源資訊局(EIA)公布,美國原油庫存上周增加800萬桶,增幅較預期的350萬桶增幅高一倍以上。 美股 ...全文



... 再看美國能源資訊局(EIA)的數據,7月以來產油量持續回落【圖】。以上諸點加在一起,是否已譜出了沙地「功成身退 ...全文


Can we trust our environmental impact assessment system?

... sessment (EIA) is instrumental in environmental conservation. It aims to identify any potential threat to the natural environment before a construction project begins. An EIA proposes solutions or alt ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-18

庫存大跌 紐約期油彈5%

... 1%。 能源資訊局(EIA)公布,美國原油庫存上周減少210萬桶,與分析員預期增加120萬桶分別很大;美國原油 ...全文


Brent extends rally but analysts warn prices could drop

... roach the EIA's 71 million barrel working storage capacity figure and we would therefore expect a wider WTI/Brent spread (low double-digit territory)," said JBC Energy. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-17

Sri Lanka to renegotiate port city deal with China

... sessment (EIA) and reassess the tax concessions given to it and land ownership issues." New Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, before last month's presidential vote, said he would cancel the port de ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-23

HK airport's planned new runway faces more questions

... sessment (EIA) report unveiled last Friday, the Airport Authority said the new runway will only have a "small impact" on concentration of nitrogen dioxides in neighboring places like Tung Chung and Tu ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-24

China has much to lose in Iraq civil war

... stration (EIA). While US annual output is likely to rise 31 percent from 2011 to 2014 to 13.3 million barrels a day, driven largely by shale oil, Chinese production will grow only 5 percent, with 2014 ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-23

Dolphin lovers start signature drive against third runway

... sessment (EIA) report for public consultation on the issue, which starts today and ends on July 19. But HKDCS chairman Samuel Hung said the month-long consultation was a sham, and accused the governme ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-20

US proved crude oil reserves hit 36-year high

... stration (EIA). More supplies were made available with advances in exploration technology and driven by higher prices. Oil deposits in shale rocks doubled in 2012 from the previous year, the EIA said. ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-11

China to lag far behind US in 2014 petroleum output, report says

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in a report Tuesday that it expects the nation's production of petroleum and other oil products this year to be 13.3 million barrels a day, while Ch ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-26

8 EIA agencies lose licenses on irregularities, govt says

Eight environmental impact assessment (EIA) agencies had their licenses canceled after they were found to have committed serious violations of regulations, including providing false documents and obta ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-05

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