A week after Singapore-based ride-hailing firm Grab Inc. announced it was acquiring its rival Uber Technology’s business in Southeast Asia, Grab co-founder and CEO Anthony Tan revealed to CNBC his nex ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
In the wake of recent high-profile tech scares, such as a fatality involving an Uber self-driving car and Facebook’s alleged mishandling of users’ personal data, stricter regulation of the industry – ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
... 美國兩大召車程式公司Uber和Lyft,如果Spotify成功,相信他們也會效法,放棄傳統IPO。 Spoti ...全文
... g it "the Uber for shipping". Shyp was valued at US$275 million in 2015, having raised US$62 million. However, it faced the same challenge encountered by most companies in the sharing economy: how to ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-03
... 度重視的科技公司包括Uber和Lyft Inc等,未來可能會採取類似的上市方式。Lyft在12月份表示,最新一 ...全文
優步(Uber)自動駕駛汽車傷人致死,Facebook被控濫用使用者個人資料,這些事件讓人們產生了高漲的科技恐 ...全文
Grab早前宣布併購Uber的東南亞業務後,菲律賓和馬來西亞昨天不約而同表示,將調查這宗交易會否壟斷國內的召車 ...全文
美國Uber最近努力研發無人駕駛汽車,並已計劃在車內裝置多種創新設備,例如車廂內置VR(虛擬實境)遊戲,很期待 ...全文
繼優步(Uber)汽車在亞利桑那州發生撞死行人事故後,特斯拉(Tesla)汽車也發生在啟動自動輔助駕駛系統時發 ...全文
... 個。 另一方面,早前Uber在亞利桑那州測試自駕車時撞死一名女子,Uber周三與死者的家屬達成庭外和解協議。 ...全文
... 聞困擾,繼而召車軟件Uber於自駕車路面測試期間發生奪命意外,重創與自駕技術相關的股份;就連股價表現相對硬淨的 ...全文
... 巨大政治回響外,早前Uber的自動駕駛車輛撞死路人,令汽車無人駕駛的發展大受打擊,晶片股Nvidia亦宣布暫時 ...全文
... following Uber's fatal self-driving crash last week. “We’ll add up to 20,000 I-PACEs to Waymo’s fleet in the next few years – that’s enough to drive about a million trips in a typical day,” Waymo said ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-29
On March 18, at around 10 p.m., an Uber self-driving car hit a woman as she was crossing a street in Tempe, Arizona. The vehicle was in autonomous mode at the time of the accident, while a driver was ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-29
有「速遞界Uber」之稱的美國初創Shyp日前宣布,結束該公司一切業務,聯合創辦人兼行政總裁Kevin Gib ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月29日
自動駕駛科技的發展面臨更大挫折,繼召車軟件商Uber自駕汽車本月中在測試期間撞死人後,Uber自駕技術供應商、 ...全文
美國加州汽車牌照局(DMV)披露,召車軟件商Uber已通知該局,未有計劃延續該州發出的自駕汽車路面測試牌照。有 ...全文