... 00)急漲5.9%,洛鉬(03993)升5.5%,並獲「港股通」淨買入1032萬元。5隻金屬股登上港股20大升 ...全文
... 358)飆8.5%;洛鉬A股(603993.SH)彈升9.9%,H股(03993)漲5.9%。 國指納中鐵建 ...全文
... 持續,樓市繼續向好,洛鉬前景仍看俏。 洛陽鉬業需要更新企業之歌了,是關現有版本提到朝霞映紅了洛陽群山,國際視野 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月18日
... 為何沽貨,資料顯示,洛鉬這次收購應屬優質貨而非次貨。 洛鉬公告稱,擬通過香港子公司CMOC Limited,以 ...全文
內地長假期完結,港股好友上周應該很高興!人民銀行突然降準放水,加上兩會開幕,市場憧憬有更多利好政策出台,港股在 ...全文
政協會議昨日正式揭幕,穆迪繼日前下調中國主權債務評級展望後,再調低內地78家企業的評級展望至「負面」,猶幸穆迪 ...全文
The stock market has been flooded with liquidity recently, and this has driven the prices of some stocks sky high. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on Thursday approved the IPO applic ...More
EJ Insight2015-04-24
China Molybdenum Co., the second-biggest producer of the steelmaking material in China, said a closely held Chinese investment company had displaced a government-backed company as its largest sharehol ...More
EJ Insight2014-01-14