利率期貨市場顯示美國聯儲局12月加息機會達到100%,對息率敏感的本港地產股及公用股昨天平均挫0.8%及0.4 ...全文
當選美國總統的特朗普揚言大興基建刺激經濟,基金界預期美國將走上「高通脹、高增長」道路,加息步伐料加快,並放寬金 ...全文
洛陽鉬業(03993)以42億美元收購銅及鈷(cobalt)資產,業務將因此徹底改觀,對鋼鐵依賴程度大減之餘, ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月18日
... 1205)飆12%,洛陽鉬業(03993)漲11%。煤炭板塊僅次金屬板塊其後,全周累升11.32%,3隻重磅股 ...全文
... 08)漲10.2%,洛陽鉬業(03993)上揚7.1%,中鋁礦業(03668)及興發鋁業(00098)齊齊升約 ...全文
The stock market has been flooded with liquidity recently, and this has driven the prices of some stocks sky high. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on Thursday approved the IPO applic ...More
EJ Insight2015-04-24
China Molybdenum Co., the second-biggest producer of the steelmaking material in China, said a closely held Chinese investment company had displaced a government-backed company as its largest sharehol ...More
EJ Insight2014-01-14