Legislator Junius Ho Kwan-yiu apologized for causing misunderstanding over what he described as an "inadvertent error" in his official curriculum vitae that led to questions over his qualifications as ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-27
TVB(00511)在1985年主辦首屆健美小姐選舉,以32歲之齡獲冠軍的馬清儀【圖】,本月7日在嘉諾撒醫院病 ...全文
... 38%。 另一方面,電視廣播(00511)(TVB)最新的中期報告宣布,首次採納員工購股權計劃,而且除TVB本 ...全文
Television Broadcasts (TVB), Hong Kong's biggest television station, has often faced questions about its programming decisions, with the broadcaster accused of insensitivity and poor editorial calls. ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-07
本欄上月提及前財政司司長曾俊華(John Tsang)競選時的「幕後軍師」、其前政治助理羅永聰會開設政治公關顧 ...全文
For those fretting that Hong Kong is turning into a city of "rule by law", rather than rule of law, the proposed new rules related to China's national anthem will only mean more bad news. As authorit ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-30
鳳凰衛視(02008)附屬鳳凰香港早前宣布撤回免費電視牌照的申請,而永升亞洲因為收購有線寬頻(01097)獲得 ...全文
電視廣播(00511)(TVB)截至6月底止中期純利跌43.59%,至1.7億元,除了因拓展OTT業務myTV ...全文