
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 ...150

ConocoPhillips sells LNG assets to Santos for US$1.39 billion

ConocoPhillips has agreed to sell its northern Australian business to its partner Santos Ltd. for US$1.39 billion, in a deal that will boost the Australian oil and gas group’s output by 25 percent, Re ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14

US suspends October tariff hike as phased trade deal emerges

US President Donald Trump on Friday outlined the first phase of a deal to end a trade war with China and suspended a threatened tariff hike, Reuters reports. But officials on both sides said much more ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14


中美在最新一輪貿易談判終於取得初步成果,為市場帶來驚喜,上周五美股勁漲超過300點,港股夜期亦率先收復2660 ...全文


China Everbright Group to pursue Hong Kong IPO: report

State-owned financial conglomerate China Everbright Group aims to restructure its sprawling business and pursue a billion-dollar IPO next year in Hong Kong, Reuters reports, citing three people with d ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-10


繼更換行政總裁、撤回上市計劃後,共享辦公室營運商WeWork再傳出壞消息。財經網站The Informatio ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月10日

三星走出谷底 5G大潮韓股尋寶

受到中美貿易戰及日韓貿易戰雙重夾擊,南韓是今年以來區內美元計回報最差的市場之一,然而南韓科技巨頭近日公布的季績 ...全文



俄羅斯互聯網企業Mail.ru公布,計劃與阿里巴巴關聯公司螞蟻金服旗下的支付寶及其他合作夥伴,共同設立一家支付 ...全文


日初創研AI測胃癌 B輪吸3.35億

近年醫院逐步引進人工智能(AI),特別是圖像識別技術(Computer Vision),協助前線醫生加快診症。 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月09日

Ensuring financial system stability key task amid unrest

On Sunday, Hong Kong's High Court once again rejected an application from pan-democratic lawmakers for an interim injunction against the government's new anti-mask law.  Yet, the court also said that ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-08

KKR傳設第三個特別情況基金 集資117億

路透報道,美國大型私募基金管理集團KKR準備成立第三個專門收購折扣大有問題債券的基金,集資額為15億美元(11 ...全文


美國銀行業信貸平穩 未見衰退

美股近日在經濟恐提前衰退的憂慮下捱沽。不過上周五公布的非農就業數據總算未走樣,讓投資者舒了一口氣,道指反彈37 ...全文


穩金融重中重 禦外必先安內

高等法院昨天駁回二十四名立法會民主派議員入稟,拒絕就《禁止蒙面規例》(下稱《禁蒙面法》)頒布臨時禁制令,但同時 ...全文


HK-based AI startup aims to help businesses boost sales

Marketing and sales activities are increasingly relying on analytical and quantitative tools nowadays among businesses around the globe, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-04

Charles Schwab drops a bomb on brokerages with zero-fee move

Brokerage stocks suffered a huge selloff on Wall Street this week following a bombshell announcement from Charles Schwab, the largest publicly traded online broker in the United States. Charles Schwab ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-04

倫交所股東要求港交所提價兩成 增現金比重

倫敦證券交易所(LSE)的主要股東要求港交所(00388)最少增加收購作價20%,以及提高現金比重,才可能支持 ...全文


Can PayPal challenge dominance of local players in China?

While many US companies have been doing business in China for decades, it was only early this year that the Chinese government opened its market for local payment services to foreign firms. PayPal, on ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-03

The IMF after Argentina

In case you blinked, the Argentine government built up a pile of debt out of almost nothing with surprising speed, and then proceeded to default on it almost as quickly. Compared to the country’s slow ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-03

Investors keep their faith in HK markets despite protests

As anti-government protesters fought pitched battles with police in Hong Kong streets last week, a group of bankers in another part of the city were busy taking in billions for the public float of the ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-03


沒有什麼人覺得將多個投資組合建構成指數是明智之舉。當彭博的Matt Levine對將對沖基金指數化提出懷疑,他 ...全文


內地減稅降費料續來 吼基建耐用品板塊

最新公布的中國8月份規模以上工業企業利潤按年下跌2%,反映內地工業經營環境隨着經濟狀況而轉壞,相信當局會推出更 ...全文


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