美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)創辦人馬斯克(Elon Musk)正在考慮移居火星,認為自己有七成的機會達 ...全文
Tesla has started taking orders for its Model 3 sedan in China for a deposit of 8,000 yuan (US$1,153), Reuters reports, citing information posted on the electric carmaker's China website. Chief Execut ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-19
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)迎來新任董事會主席德諾姆(Robyn Denholm),以非核心圈子的半外 ...全文
Tesla Inc. chief executive Elon Musk said Model 3s ordered in the United States by the end of this month will be delivered by Dec. 31, Reuters reports. "Tesla just acquired trucking capacity to ensure ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-16
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,將確保於本月底前訂購Model ...全文
一宗財經KOL推銷虛擬貨幣掘礦機的消息,要勞動政黨出馬,為苦主追討損失。作為一位中佬,再按傳媒報道的情況,難以 ...全文
Ford, one of America's pioneering car manufacturers, has acquired e-scooter and bike-sharing startup Spin as part of efforts to beef up its mobility business. Financial terms were not disclosed in the ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-09
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)創辦人馬斯克(Elon Musk)早前就誤導投資者案而被監管機構下令辭任董 ...全文
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)宣布,任命Robyn Denholm接任公司董事會主席一職,即時生效。 自 ...全文
電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,該公司汽車搭載的Summon自動停車 ...全文
Tesla Inc. chief executive Elon Musk said the tweet that cost him and the company US$20 million in fines each by the US Securities and Exchange Commision was “Worth It”, Reuters reports. The tweet, se ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-29
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)在社交媒體帖文,表示較早時個人與公司各 ...全文