
共 1935 個結果
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Are emerging market debts still worth the extra risk?

... e Federal Reserve on auto-pilot, and a more assertive loosening of policy from the European Central Bank. This has opened the window for more accommodative monetary policies in the EM universe (such a ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-20

Tourists threatening Antarctica

... a natural reserve where military activity is banned and scientific exploration is the major pursuit. But despite this, and its remoteness, rapidly rising human activity in the area is threatening its ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-20

Fed cuts forecast but scales back bond buys

The Federal Reserve has downgraded its outlook for the US economy this year but pledged to pursue the phaseout of its massive stimulus program, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday. The central b ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-19

Central bank mulls addition to money supply armory

...  required reserve ratio. When the ratio is cut, commercial banks become more liquid, making it difficult to stabilize the market. PSL would add to the various tools, such as reverse repurchases, re-le ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-18

Why is the euro not falling as everyone says it should?

... s Federal Reserve is gracefully gliding out of its quantitative policy position and by October that money printing process is likely to be effectively at an end. The question from most investors is wh ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-18

Chinese yuan forging ahead in quest for global status

...  currency reserve pool and a development bank, which are meant to play much the same role as the IMF and the World Bank. Those institutions are dominated the European Union and the United States, resp ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-18

PBoC rebuffs talk of widened scope in reserve ratio cuts

The People's Bank of China (PBoC) has rejected market talk that the so-called targeted reduction in the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) is being widened, Economic Information Daily reported Tuesday. " ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-17

Small commercial banks make targeted RRR policy

Smaller commercial banks such as China Minsheng Bank Co., China Merchants Bank Co. and Industrial Bank Co. are covered by a 50-basis-point cut in the reserve requirement announced recently by the cent ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-16

What form will China’s monetary easing take?

... al banks’ reserve requirement ratio (RRR). Meanwhile, financial markets are trying to predict the timing of such a move. If history is any guide, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) should have cut the ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-16

Rapid forex reserves growth fuels policy fears

China's rapid accumulation of foreign exchange reserves is making it more difficult for policy-makers to steer the economy, China Daily reported Thursday, citing analysts and foreign exchange regulato ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-13

China new loans in May higher than expected

...  targeted reserve requirement ratio for banks that lend to rural enterprises and small businesses. Beijing could roll out more support measures, especially if the property market starts to deteriorate ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-13

Tesla's latest charging solution comes from a customer

... time will reserve over 40 parking lots for Tesla electric cars, covering cities such as Beijing, Hangzhou and Chengdu. Tesla will provide the wall-mounted charging piles to Intime, while the latter wi ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-12

PBoC lowers RRR for selected banks by 50 basis points

China's central bank will cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for lenders whose new loans to the farm sector last year have exceed 50 percent of their total lending this year. Those banks will rec ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-10

China vows targeted measures to bolster growth

...  a cut in reserve requirement ratio for rural banks, faster railway and public housing construction and tax breaks for small businesses. These are in addition to existing programs intended to shore up ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-09

Cautious Fed may slip up on equilibrium rate

Federal Reserve officials are starting to shift their forward policy guidance from the tapering of quantitative easing to the eventual exit from the zero-bound interest rates, even though such a move ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-09

CBRC tells Chinese banks to improve risk management

...  required reserve ratio and other means to adjust liquidity and keep the money market stable. Although risk in property loans is manageable, the CBRC is closely monitoring the property market in third ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-06

China to increase credit amid slowing economy

...  required reserve ratio and other means to adjust liquidity and keep the money market stable, the report said. Lenders are allowed to increase their tolerance of small-business loans that soured, Yang ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-06

Emerging market debt: An overlooked source of alpha?

... S Federal Reserve raised market expectations not only for rising interest rates but also for a strong dollar. The expectation of higher interest rates and exchange rates is the direct reason why inter ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-06

China mini stimulus not a sign of slower restructuring

...  targeted reserve requirement ratio for banks following the policy of lending to rural and small businesses. China hopes the micro stimulus measures will stabilize economic growth during the reform pr ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-05

Why China likes to tinker with bank reserve ratio

As more indicators show the Chinese economy is facing rising pressure to slow down, calls grow for a cut in the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for commercial lenders. Whether the government should he ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-04

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