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... 十八,比支付寶、微軟Bing還要高。 Pornhub一直都在用心服務客戶,不僅為廣大用戶提供免費AV片,也一直 ...全文


智慧音箱新戰場 誰是科網王中王

... 位置給了Yahoo或Bing,搜尋業務根本無從做起。 Google在智能手機上吃了虧,當然希望能藉智慧音箱扳回 ...全文



... nt董事長Wang Bing周四在另一場論壇上說。 隨着需求下降,在3月份政府解除冬季限產令後,明年中國鋼鐵供 ...全文


KC Chan disregards own warnings about property market risks

... ny Cheung Bing-leung, the former secretary of transport and housing, who paid HK$16 million for his home at The Paramount in Tai Po. That unit, based on online mortgage valuation, is now worth HK$23 m ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

快一點 但不要快太多

...  Search剛取代Bing,成為Siri的綁定搜尋引擎,Google明年又要開大支票了)等流量大戶,坐着也有 ...全文


Govt must guarantee transparency and fairness in PPPs

... ny Cheung Bing-leung admitted last year, the government is actually running out of "disposable sites", i.e. developable land. Given the acute shortage, there appears to be only two options on the tabl ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-18

CEO銷假撲火 斥宣揚性別成見

... oogle,轉用微軟Bing等搜尋器。維基解密創辦人阿桑奇(Julian Assange)也發帖聲援,批評只有 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月09日

Express railway puts 'one country, two systems' at a crossroads

... ny Cheung Bing-leung hit the nail on the head last week. Deep in their hearts, many Hongkongers are uncomfortable with joint immigration at West Kowloon not because they believe it violates the Basic ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-27

Lack of trust overshadows rail link’s co-location arrangement

... er Cheung Bing-leung told a radio program that the controversy over the Chinese immigration checkpoint has more to do with trust than legality, while acknowledging that there is conflict and tension b ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-25

What to expect from Carrie Lam’s new cabinet

... of Cheung Bing-leung who has yet to improve the relationship between the government and the opposition. Meanwhile, Lam said the cabinet is her ideal team. But it's reasonable to think that Sai Wan, th ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-22

Cheung: Highways department the victim in fake report scandal

... ny Cheung Bing-leung told lawmakers. Speaking at a special meeting of the Legislative Council’s Panel on Transport on Monday, Cheung stressed that the government has always given top priority to the q ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-06

Will Democratic Party's Law Chi-kwong join Lam's Cabinet?

... ny Cheung Bing-leung and Undersecretary for the Environment Christine Loh Kung-wai. Rumors have it that the reason for such regression is because Beijing's attitude towards the pan-democrats has chang ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-02

Transport chief to sort out Express Rail Link issues in Beijing

Secretary for Transport and Housing Anthony Cheung Bing-Leung is set to fly to Beijing on Wednesday afternoon to discuss operational details of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. It w ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-19


... 中Chandler Bing一角由加拿大人柏利(Matthew Perry)飾演。說柏利是加拿大人,對了一半, ...全文


MTR chairman pledges thorough investigation into service failure

... ny Cheung Bing-leung had requested that the MTR hand in a report on the incident as soon as possible. Cheung had said the report should seek to answer if the incident was due to systemic failures and ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-13

MTR agrees to lower fare increase by 0.6 percentage point

... ny Cheung Bing-leung said the government has explored different ways to ease passengers’ burden and broaden the base of beneficiaries of the MTRC's concessionary measures. Cheung said the new measures ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-22

Scramble to hire maids before new rules on window cleaning

... year. Lee Bing-kong, chief operating officer of the Support Group for Hong Kong Employers with Foreign Domestic Helper, said the scramble is something not seen before, adding that they used to take ti ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-28

How an amputee athlete overcame his limitations

... met Chong Bing-ying, a nurse at Queen Mary Hospital who eventually became his wife. With her support and encouragement, Fung resumed his sporting activities: hiking and distance running, starting from ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

Latest air traffic system glitch at Chek Lap Kok prompts inquiry

... ny Cheung Bing-leung has ordered the CAD to find out what went wrong with the new system. The bureau has tapped NATS Holdings, a British provider of air traffic services and solutions, to look into th ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-30

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