
共 188 個結果
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Apple gets some good news from China

... rector at Counterpoint Research, told CNBC. "Since iPhone XS and iPhone XR were... so expensive, they were looking for the right deal to purchase,” the analyst added. iPhone has been under pressure in ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-14


... 引述手機市場研究公司Counterpoint Research預測指出,根據銷售渠道的庫存顯示,iPhone在 ...全文


Phone makers bet on 5G for growth

... rector at Counterpoint Research, said consumers have been holding on to their smartphones for a long time because they can't see any major difference between the new models and their current phones. T ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-24

【異動板塊】瑞聲曾揚近8% 次季全球手機利潤增

... 8元。 市場調研機構Counterpoint發表報告,第二季度全球智能手機利潤按年增長4%,其中中國智能手機品 ...全文



市場研究機構Counterpoint Research最新的資料顯示,三星手機第二季的全球手機品牌平均零售價按 ...全文


內地手機出貨 華為續稱王

... 超前。據市場研究機構Counterpoint Research數據顯示,小米上季在印度手機市場佔有率為28%, ...全文


次季僅錄1040億 受累手機疲弱

... 重。手機市場研究公司Counterpoint Research周四公布的最新每月數據顯示,由於歐洲市場銷售不濟 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月07日


... 長超過7倍。數據機構Counterpoint Research於上周五發布最新報告顯示,中國智能手機出貨量在2 ...全文



市場研究機構Counterpoint研究報告顯示,今年首季全球智能手機付運量3.6億部,按年下跌3%,延續去年 ...全文


Xiaomi to give money back to customers if profit rises above 5%

... ording to Counterpoint Research. By comparison, Apple and Samsung made US$151 and US$31 respectively, while Huawei Technologies, another Chinese handset maker, earned US$15. Xiaomi, often dubbed the " ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-26

翻新機使用量增 拖累新手機銷量跌

... 手機。 市場研究機構Counterpoint Technology Market Research表示,翻新機 ...全文


Samsung launches Galaxy S9 with focus on social media

... arch firm Counterpoint forecasts it will sell 43 million sets in 2018, 23 percent more than the 35 million S8 models shipped last year. Global smartphone sales saw an unprecedented decline of 9 percen ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26

Why Oppo and Vivo are losing steam in Chinese smartphone market

... arch firm Counterpoint Research Market Monitor. The top three brands saw their market shares increase by 3 percentage points from the previous year. Oppo and Vivo, both owned by BBK Electronics, are s ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22

擊敗三星 小米印度智能手機市場稱王

... 軍的寶座。 路透引述Counterpoint Research數據顯示,根據出貨量計算,去年第四季小米在印度智 ...全文


Huawei unveils new smartphone with AI capabilities

... ording to Counterpoint Research. The dip coincided with a slowdown in Apple sales ahead of the iPhone X launch. The research firm said it is unlikely Huawei held on to the spot through the third quart ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-17

蘋果創新減速 中國廠商發圍

... 器,改善觸屏功能。 Counterpoint研究主管NeilShah稱:「中國品牌的規模日益增長,並進入相同的 ...全文


Lucky 8? But US$1,000 price tag may dampen iPhone sales in China

... nsultancy Counterpoint Research. While the iPhone 6 took China by storm in 2014, models since have received a more muted response. “I’ll wait for a drop in price, it’s too expensive,” Angie Chen, 23, ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11

華手機暢銷 印業界促徵重稅

... 市佔率達46% 根據Counterpoint Research的研究,小米、OPPO等中國智能手機在印度市場的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年04月18日


... 山 根據市場調查機構Counterpoint Research資料,印度去年成為全球第二大智能手機市場,全國擁 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年04月05日

Apple to start making iPhones in India soon: WSJ

... data from Counterpoint Research. Apple is also negotiating with New Delhi to allow its component manufacturers to make parts in the country and export finished phones, the newspaper said, citing the s ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

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