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... 一個Chewing gum law也令外國人嘖嘖稱奇。Chewing gum廣州話說法中的用字,也顯然比較「正 ...全文



... 字上今下心,可變為上gum下sum【圖】,粵語今與gum同音,gum者牙齦也,sum者和也,「和」字可拆開為禾 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化玄來如此Master Lai 黎漢偉2021年08月28日

保良局張心瑜幼稚園 正向教育培育愛心小孩

... 兒班的Bubble Gum Brain,主要描述人有積極、消極的不同思考模式,繼而出現不同態度、反應和結果。正 ...全文



... 織,叫「阿拉伯膠」(Gum arabic),其晶體表面活像具有細微裂縫的玻璃。尤其是薄荷口味的曼陀珠,看似平滑 ...全文



... 是從一些免費平台例如Gum Tree聘請,沒經面試或者訓練,這些保安就負責最危險和前線的防疫工作。 聽說維省政 ...全文



...  Yeung Ji Gum Lo楊枝甘露(118元)。 近年中西合璧Fusion菜大行其道,多數借重鵝肝、黑松 ...全文



... 膠(Xanthan Gum),是由發酵澱粉提煉而來,廣泛應用於食品工業、化妝品和塗料。黃原膠不但能保持液體的濃 ...全文



... 」叫chewing gum,那是給你在嘴裏嚼的,嚼而不吞。 八、The receptionist was ch ...全文


Hair loss and smoking

Ming-wah came in while tucking a packet of chewing gum into his pocket. It has been his third relapse. I knew he was taking a cigarette break again, judging from his appalling breath. Last year, he ha ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-03

Strategies to quit smoking

...  patches, gum and lozenges, which are available without a prescription, as well as an inhaler and nasal spray, which require a prescription. These products deliver small amounts of nicotine to help th ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-01

The end of waste

TerraCycle finds value in the lowliest of trash, from cigarette butts to chewing gum. Humans produce a staggering amount of trash—in the US alone, 2 kilograms per person per day, according to the nati ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-27


... 用來製作甜品。 至於Gum Drops無核紅提同樣受到小朋友和大人的喜愛,因為它的味道極像橡皮軟糖,香味及甜味 ...全文


全城熱賣 美國三色提子

... 愛,而帶有糖果香氣的Gum Drops紅提和Moon Drops黑提,亦各有特色。 雖然美國提子沒有日本提子般 ...全文


Impressive Chinese provincial dishes

... led peach gum with rose flowers for dessert, prepared by a guest chef from Yunnan. Again it was a rejuvenating dish of exquisite flavors. It was not surprising to see a full house there since the mini ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-30

沙漠黃金 阿拉伯膠

與桃膠一樣,阿拉伯膠(Gum arabic)也是天然樹膠的一種,從古埃及時代已被發現,廣泛應用在西方社會。阿拉 ...全文


Five kid-friendly hiking trails

...  plum and gum trees. At the forest road, turn left. But make a detour into the lovely Butterfly Garden, a haven for the beautiful insects. Hong Kong has more than 230 butterfly species and the floweri ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-02

Would you pay US$20 for toothpaste?

... ly 2-step gum care system", charging 159 yuan (US$24.10) for a set of two tubes of toothpaste, about eight to 10 times as much as rival products cost, a report from the Hong Kong Trade Development Cou ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-30

Whoever becomes HK chief executive is irrelevant

... ight up a gum tree as the project is already half way through, and we stand to lose even more should it be abandoned. Therefore, Chan, acting chairman of the Legislative Council's finance committee, w ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-21

Lobster thief disables security camera with chewing gum

... f chewing gum stuck on its lens, Headline Daily reports. He then went to the fish tank, which the camera was monitoring, and found that 10 of the 12 lobsters inside were missing. Police officers who a ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

What makes a real Hongkonger? Ask Gregory Rivers

Having lived in Hong Kong for 29 years, Gregory Charles Rivers is considered a “real Hongkonger” by netizens, especially after his performance in TVMost 1st Guy Ten Big Ging Cook Gum Cook Awards Distr ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-20

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