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Model S去年1月事故 特斯拉Autopilot被指有責

電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)旗下一輛Model S,去年1月在美國加州遭遇交通事故,美國國家運輸安全委員會 ...全文


Tesla Autopilot on, driver's hands off wheel in crash: US agency

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has said that a Tesla Model S was in Autopilot mode and the driver’s hands were off the wheel when it struck a fire truck in Culver City, California, ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-04

Walmart sues Tesla over solar panel fires

Walmart Inc. sued Tesla Inc., saying solar panels supplied by the electric car maker were responsible for fires at about seven of its stores, Reuters reports, citing a lawsuit filed in a New York cour ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-21

Lawsuit claims Tesla software update cut battery capacity

A Tesla Inc. owner has filed a lawsuit against the electric vehicle maker, claiming the company limited the battery range of older vehicles via a software update to avoid a costly recall to fix what p ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-09


電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)內地銷售的電動車下月起加價,以抵消人民幣滙價下跌影響。Tesla在內地銷售的電 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月08日

Tesla pushes back profit target to Q4, shares fall 11.5%

Tesla Inc. missed financial targets in the second quarter despite record deliveries of its electric vehicles, adding that the carmaker will break even this quarter, rather than post a profit, Reuters ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-25

Tesla drops cheapest Model X, S variants, adjusts prices

Tesla Inc. has dropped the standard-range variants of its Model X and Model S from its product lineup and adjusted prices across its range, Reuters reports. To simplify its offerings, the automaker li ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17

Tesla delivers record number of electric cars in 2nd quarter

Tesla Inc. set a record for quarterly vehicle deliveries in a triumphant response to months of questions about demand for its luxury electric cars, sending shares up 7 percent in after-hours trading, ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03

特斯拉電動車次季交付量創新高 市後股價揚

美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)公布,第二季交付77550輛Model 3型號電動車,較分析員預期的731 ...全文


特斯拉Model S再有自燃事故

特斯拉(Tesla)汽車再次發生自燃事故。外電報道,比利時安特衞普省一輛Model S,於超級充電站充電時着火 ...全文



美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)昨天為旗下兩款電動車推出了軟件更新,包括旗艦型號Model S,以加強電池 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月17日


現實版的鐵甲奇俠馬斯克(Elon Musk)一直都語不驚人誓不休,由早前上電台節目食大麻大吹將特斯拉(Tesl ...全文



摩根士丹利表示,美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)正在籌集27億美元的新資本,但這只是12個月的過渡,僅屬權 ...全文


US rejects Tesla bid for tariff exemption for Autopilot 'brain'

US trade officials rejected Tesla Inc.’s bid for relief from President Donald Trump’s 25 percent tariffs on the Chinese-made Autopilot “brain” of its Model 3 and other electric vehicles, one of more t ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06

吹牛不打緊 有人信就掂

4月28日,周日。電動車一哥Tesla向來新聞多多,單過去十日八日,先後就有Model S在未充電的情況下於上 ...全文



繼特斯拉(Tesla)Model S電動車近日在上海自行起火,及蔚來ES8電動車亦自行着火後,比亞迪(0121 ...全文


特斯拉上季虧損擴大 股價挫2%

美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)公布,第一季錄得淨虧損7.02億美元,折合每股4.1美元,去年同期以GAA ...全文


特斯拉推新版Model S和Model X

美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)周二宣布,將推出新版Model S和Model X,稱在配置新的傳動系統設 ...全文


載入全新晶片 車主遙控共乘

美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)周一(22日)於加州舉行Autonomy Day投資者大會,行政總裁馬斯克 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年04月24日


分析員認為,特斯拉最新一次汽車起火事故可能會令人提高對電動車安全的警覺,但不大可能會對該公司在中國的汽車銷售或 ...全文


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