中國7月起下調汽車及汽車零件進口關稅達四成,電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)的Model S及Model X車 ...全文
If oil reaches US$100 per barrel, that will kill the internal combustion engine and it will truly end OPECs delusion that it still controls the future. Not simply for the obvious reason of petrol bein ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-23
兩年前筆者發表〈蘋果Tesla神級合體無敵手〉,分析蘋果有財力卻缺乏增長動力,特斯拉(Tesla)創意澎湃但資 ...全文
剛上畫的《復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰》一反邪不能勝正的傳統橋段,結局由大反派「終極波士」Thanos殺敗大批英雄告 ...全文
美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)周三市後公布業績,虧損再破紀錄。市場起初未有太大反應,但行政總裁馬斯克(E ...全文
Tesla Inc. lashed out at the National Transportation Safety Board after the agency took the unusual step of removing the automaker as a party to its investigation of a fatal crash in March in which a ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-13
上月在美國駕駛特斯拉(Tesla)Model X電動車時,發生意外死亡的華裔司機Walter Huang,其家 ...全文
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)近期受到產量未達標等利淡消息困擾,高盛分析員周二唱淡,將目標股價進一步下調 ...全文
Tesla Inc. sought to squash any speculation it might need to raise more capital this year as it announced it built 2,020 of its cheaper Model 3 sedans in the last seven days, Reuters reports. The comp ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
Tesla公布首季生產數據,期內Model S、Model X和Model 3總產量達34494輛,較去年第四 ...全文
第一季剛結束,美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)的股東異常緊張,由於分析員大多看扁其產能,認為該公司上季產量 ...全文
繼優步(Uber)汽車在亞利桑那州發生撞死行人事故後,特斯拉(Tesla)汽車也發生在啟動自動輔助駕駛系統時發 ...全文
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)正面臨四面楚歌的困局,有對沖基金公司表示憂慮特斯拉沉重的債務負擔,或導致公 ...全文
自動駕駛科技的發展面臨更大挫折,繼召車軟件商Uber自駕汽車本月中在測試期間撞死人後,Uber自駕技術供應商、 ...全文
A fatal crash and vehicle fire of a Tesla Inc. Model X near Mountain View, California, last week has prompted a federal field investigation, Reuters reports, citing the US National Transportation Safe ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-28