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中國科技公司囤貨美國晶片 進口量激增

... 儲備的需要;另華為和Oppo等內地智能手機品牌的出現,加上雲計算的快速應用,也推高了高性能矽的進口。 ...全文



小米(01810)和Oppo將從明年初開始在旗艦產品中採用美國龍頭晶片商高通(Qualcomm)的最新5G晶片 ...全文


Xiaomi, Oppo to use Qualcomm's newest mobile phone chips

Two fast-growing Chinese phone brands said they will adopt Qualcomm Inc.’s newest 5G chip in their flagship devices early next year. Xiaomi Corp. (01810.HK) and Oppo said on Tuesday they will use Qual ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-04

手機鏡頭需求旺 丘鈦重返增長軌

... 、小米(9.1%)和OPPO(8.7%),合計佔市場份額71.2%, 集中度繼續提高【圖1】。 前5大廠商中 ...全文


【異動股】料純利大增逾兩倍 天寶曾飆32%後升幅削逾半

OPPO概念股天寶集團(01979)發盈喜,股價應聲炒上,早上一元大關,最高見1.19元,大升32.2%,惟現 ...全文



... 810)、vivo及OPPO。 ...全文


Samsung farms out more phones to China to fend off rivals

... iaomi and Oppo – giving them the economies of scale to keep costs down, and the nimble contractors can develop and produce new budget phones quickly. Critics of Samsung’s strategy say it risks losing ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-18

Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi reap big on Singles' Day

... mi, Vivo, OPPO and other Chinese brands. Some industry watchers believe a reworked pricing strategy helped Apple lure a large group of Chinese smartphone users to the iPhone 11. Chinese consumers have ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

環球手機出貨增 終止連跌七季度

... 270萬台。第五位是OPPO,出貨量升4.1%至3120萬部。 調查的負責人指出,國際市場仍面對不少困難,但華 ...全文


搶Vivo蘋果份額 上季出貨量飆66%

... 將會再進一步鞏固,為Oppo、Vivo及小米等內地手機商帶來巨大的壓力。 小米出貨劇減33% 在第三季度,國內 ...全文


Will Xiaomi regain its old glory in the 5G era?

...  Vivo and Oppo in market share. Banking on its high brand awareness in the domestic market, Xiaomi remains optimistic that it will be leading the field again, especially with the smartphone business e ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-23

Why many Chinese smartphone users still prefer the iPhone

...  Vivo and Oppo to Xiaomi and Huawei, to push the envelope. Not that the Apple 11 series is perfect. Far from it. Many users are complaining that the new gadgets tend to overheat or have a weak signal. ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

Can triple camera system boost iPhone sales?

... mi, Vivo, Oppo and Samsung now claim that the camera quality of their phones has outperformed that of iPhone in the past few years. Apple, aside from offering an ultrawide camera, enhances its image p ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-18


... 台和5,870萬台。Oppo 手機和小米手機的出貨量持平,而蘋果手機按年下滑18%。展望未來,2019年下半年 ...全文


Oppo eyes HK market after overtaking Apple in global shipment

Oppo, one of the leading Chinese smartphone brands, is reportedly entering the already congested Hong Kong market, hoping its catchy designs and outstanding camera features will win new fans in the ci ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-20

對抗華為 小米OPPO與Vivo組互傳聯盟

小米(01810)、OPPO和Vivo已經結成合作夥伴關係,以加速在這3個品牌的智能手機之間的數據傳輸。 OP ...全文


Huawei readies for connected device era with Harmony OS

... s such as Oppo and Xiaomi an opportunity to co-develop the operating system with their bigger Chinese rival. If such arrangement is endorsed or pushed by Chinese authorities, Google could end up losin ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13


根據知名市場研究公司IHS Markit的最新報告,蘋果公司上一季度被中國對手OPPO擠出全球智能手機銷售三甲 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月12日


... 機型的補充;第三位的OPPO季內同樣出現一定程度下滑,整體表現因受華為在4至6級市場滲透力的影響,未能如去年同 ...全文



... 中,華為、Vivo、OPPO、小米(01810)及蘋果公司分別排名出貨量前五。累計今年上半年,整體中國智能手機 ...全文


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