... , Huawei, OPPO and Vivo suffered month-on-month declines of more than 40 percent in February. Huawei saw a 55 percent drop, which is also due to the US trade ban. Xiaomi, meanwhile, overtook Huawei as ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-25
受新冠肺炎疫情影響,內地廠房面對人手短缺困難。內地媒體報道,富士康、聯想、OPPO、立訊精密等深圳大廠,在疫情 ...全文
... ra Tang補充,OPPO和Vivo也將受到影響,由於這兩家公司均極為依賴實體店銷售,而集中網上銷售及海外市 ...全文
... a Tang補充道,OPPO和Vivo也將受到影響,因為兩家公司均高度依賴線下銷售渠道,但小米(01810)、 ...全文
... t Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo plan to establish the Global Developer Service Alliance (GDSA) in a bold challenge to Google's dominance in the field. The alliance, likely to be launched next month, aims to p ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-12
China’s Xiaomi, Huawei Technologies, Oppo and Vivo are joining forces to create a platform for developers outside China to upload apps onto all of their app stores simultaneously, a move seen as a bid ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-07
... 排第二,跟着是小米與OPPO。早前手機設備股受壓,關注內地生產線延長停工,令包括iPhone供應亦受影響。不過 ...全文
... 另外,中國手機生產商Oppo和Vivo最近也發聲明,向零售商保證會做到網上及門市同步及同價推出。 在是次協商前 ...全文
... s Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo and Lenovo. According to research conducted by Counterpoint Technology, Huawei’s market share in China grew to 40 percent in the third quarter of this year, from 23 percent in the ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-11
OPPO將繼續加大研發投入,計劃未來3年投入500億元人民幣的預算。 OPPO創辦人兼CEO陳明永在首屆OPP ...全文
... 行近期渠道調查知悉,OPPO及vivo第四季及明年第一季對個別手機組件的訂單數量呈下跌情況,至於華為則無大變化 ...全文
... 小米(01810)及Oppo,還有中國移動(00941)及阿里巴巴(09988)等內地企業,均有一直使用商湯的 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年12月10日
小米(01810)和Oppo將從明年初開始在旗艦產品中採用美國龍頭晶片商高通(Qualcomm)的最新5G晶片 ...全文
Two fast-growing Chinese phone brands said they will adopt Qualcomm Inc.’s newest 5G chip in their flagship devices early next year. Xiaomi Corp. (01810.HK) and Oppo said on Tuesday they will use Qual ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-04
... 、小米(9.1%)和OPPO(8.7%),合計佔市場份額71.2%, 集中度繼續提高【圖1】。 前5大廠商中 ...全文
OPPO概念股天寶集團(01979)發盈喜,股價應聲炒上,早上一元大關,最高見1.19元,大升32.2%,惟現 ...全文
... iaomi and Oppo – giving them the economies of scale to keep costs down, and the nimble contractors can develop and produce new budget phones quickly. Critics of Samsung’s strategy say it risks losing ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-18