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開市焦點:港股料低開 關注中美緊張關係 港交所派季績

... ,亞馬遜升1.7%;UPS升近7%及通用電氣公布季績後升超過2%,都對美股帶來支持。那邊廂,Facebook股 ...全文


道指標指輕微創收市新高 fb挫3.92%

... (GE)及聯合包裹(UPS)上季業績標青,股價分別漲2.03%及6.95%;英特爾回落2.29%,為跌幅最大道 ...全文


UPS季度盈利升23% 調高邊際利潤率預測

速遞公司聯合包裹(UPS)公布,截至9月底止第三季,經營利潤按年升22.9%至29億元(美元‧下同);每股經調 ...全文


數據企績俱佳 道指標指創新高

... (GE)及聯合包裹(UPS)上季業績標青,股價分別漲2.03%及6.95%;另邊廂,Facebook上季收入及 ...全文


How can companies win in Indonesia’s e-commerce market?

... gest startups, merged to form payments and e-commerce giant GoTo. With more than 100 million active users, the new group is opening up Indonesian and Southeast Asian e-commerce to new users, demograph ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-20


... 後有望與FedEx和UPS等快遞公司匹敵。 亞馬遜為加快運貨速度、擴大送貨網絡,以及減低依賴其他運輸公司,20 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年10月15日

美兩港口24小時運作 紓物流樽頸
50萬貨櫃待靠岸 聖誕商品積壓恐延誤

... dEx)、聯合包裹(UPS)、沃爾瑪(WalMart)和三星電子等6家企業承諾在洛杉磯港加時工作。 企業響應加 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年10月15日

拜登將晤物流業高管 磋商解決貨物積壓

... dEx)及聯合包裹(UPS)計劃携手全日24小時不停運作,務求在最短時間內,把貨品運送至美國各地的買家手上。 ...全文


Quarantine rules threaten Hong Kong’s competitiveness

...  of start-ups here reached a record 3,755, an increase of 12 per cent over a year earlier. “These two figures show that Hong Kong remains a very attractive place for many foreign firms to develop thei ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-11

牛津大學政治博士生 23歲黃裕舜繼續公開論政不噤聲

... 以及數個start-ups;再加3至4小時放在回應外國智庫方面,他們有找我做顧問。餘下來的6至7個小時,我會閱 ...全文


聯邦快遞首季盈利遜預期 勞工成本上升

... 要競爭對手聯合包裹(UPS)下滑2.2%。 聯邦快遞稱,由於招聘人手有困難,集團依賴提升工資吸引人才,上季勞工 ...全文


How investors can play a role in enhancing food security

... and start-ups are competing to develop alternatives to animal protein. Plant-based protein and meat substitutes provide nutritious food with less environmental impact, and they are popular with consum ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-24

Tackling compliance key to FinTech growth in HK and beyond

... ns. Start-ups – in Hong Kong and beyond - tend to move a lot faster than traditional financial institutions (FI), and sometimes your growth and expansion may seem alarming to the FI you partner with. ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-20

Japan ups the ante on corporate governance

As the world cast their eyes on the Tokyo Olympics, international investors turn to Japanese equities in the hunt for attractive opportunities brought by the country’s ongoing structural changes. As a ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-19

On where the market ends

... oint. The upshot, therefore, is that the regulation is ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年08月05日

Crackdown on tuition sector: Where the market ends

... oint. The upshot, therefore, is that the regulation is a necessary evil. A few caveats here, of course. After-school tutoring must be differentiated from other forms of counselling services – it is by ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-04

Spark創業加速器 亞太招募千企

... 間初創(Start-ups),目標培育出100間具規模的初創企業(Scale-ups)。 此外,華為又宣布推出 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年08月04日

Our athletes-Hong Kong's glory

... he mental ups-and-downs that interpolate with their tra ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2021年07月31日

Our athletes-Hong Kong’s glory

... he mental ups-and-downs that interpolate with their training routines, or, indeed, the extreme anxiety in the run-up to and throughout the course of the competition, these factors, in conjunction, ren ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-29

宅經濟減退 企業增長見放緩

... 網購急增的聯合包裹(UPS)亦稱,其全球及美國第二季貨運量分別按年減少0.8%及2.9%,為2011年初以來首 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年07月29日

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