
共 2529 個結果
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【信報月刊】港股或低見25700 中長線大好形勢不變

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版 ...全文


How Nokia sparked more buzz than Samsung in new launch

... es of new Android-powered smartphones, but it is the Nokia 8110 that has generated the most excitement among consumers, going by the hot keywords online. For those not familiar with the Nokia 8110 han ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-27

Samsung launches Galaxy S9 with focus on social media

... C and two Android tablets earlier on Sunday. It is launching its new flagship in Paris next month. “With the absence of any flagship smartphone announcement from any of its major competitors, Samsung ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26

谷歌推Google Pay迎戰蘋果

... ogle Pay整合Android Pay和Google Wallet的功能,現時已可從Google Play ...全文


What can Google do to narrow the hardware gap with Apple?

It's a fact that almost 80 percent of the smartphones in the world are currently on the Android operating platform which has been developed by Google. iPhone maker Apple, notwithstanding all the buzz ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-20


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Facebook to test news paywalls on Apple iOS system

... using the Android system last October, TechCrunch reported. Speaking on Tuesday at a Code Media conference organized by tech news website Recode, Campbell Brown, head of news partnerships at Facebook, ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-14

fb付費牆助傳媒吸金 下月加推iOS版本

繼去年10月在Android作業系統推出新聞訂閱工具後,網上社交平台Facebook(fb)近日再跟蘋果公司達 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月14日


... ay Wallet或Android Pay,然後消費滿50元或以上3次,便可獲50元拍住賞儲值額利是回贈,推廣 ...全文



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彰顯生活智慧 全新Volvo XC40一新耳目

... e CarPlay及Android Auto,可輕鬆連結智能手機並使用內置軟體連結Spotify串流音樂平台。 ...全文


Intel develops new smartglasses called Vaunt

... either an Android phone or an iPhone, taking commands from an app that runs in the background to control it. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Feb 7 Translation by Jonathan Ch ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07


... Apple Pay及Android Pay等電子支付功能,方便市民即時透過智能手機及流動裝置繳付租訂費用。 ...全文


Snap shares soar on user growth rally, strong revenue

... t runs on Android phones, saying the retention rate of new Android users rose by nearly 20 percent compared to a year earlier. “Our business really came together towards the end of last year,” Spiegel ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

【信報月刊】百歲瑜伽大師:不信年齡 只信能量!

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版   ...全文


What Apple can learn from tepid iPhone X sales

...  from the Android camp preferred to buy the cheaper iPhone 8 series or even the iPhone 7 models, rather than the X. The cheaper version of iPhones did contribute a lot in keeping iPhone shipments buo ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-06

【信報月刊】以職養藝四十載 學做人比學藝更難

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版   ...全文


大摩微降瑞聲目標價 蘋概股調整後首選

... ,今年首季及第二季新Android型號之推出,將有望成為瑞聲之催化劑。 更多券商分析,請瀏覽本網大行精選。 ...全文


【信報月刊】奇門預測:都天流年 股樓見頂回落

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版   ...全文


無線支付 活動追蹤 智能錶功能百花齊放

... 科技大潮流,能夠進行Android Pay的無線支付。不過最重要是腕錶具有Swiss Made標籤,是一枚不折 ...全文


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