... 914)漲4.1%;中國建材(03323)大升8.4%;金隅股份(02009)上揚4.4%;台泥國際(0113 ...全文
... 893)抽高14%,中國建材(03323)升12%。 港股市寬表現:回顧一周大市市寬表現,整體1800多隻港股 ...全文
... .6%為大。建材股的中國建材(03323)升4.9%,中國建築(03311)升1.9%,以至中鐵建(01186 ...全文
... 313)升4.7%;中國建材(03323)亦有6.4%升幅。中交建(01800)升4.3%,中鐵(00390) ...全文
... 4)一周勁升近兩成,中國建材(03323)亦爆升近18%,帶動建築板塊漲13.78%,升幅領導同儕。 挾淡倉活 ...全文
... 95元,升4.8%;中國建材(03323)亦有4.3%升幅。不過,鋼鐵股呈A/H股走勢背馳,高開後中段回吐,鞍 ...全文
... 股份(01893)及中國建材(03323),由於方案有待主管批准,加上大市不振,中材早段升至1.6元高位,尾市 ...全文
... 市公司帶來炒作機遇。中國建材集團旗下的洛陽玻璃(600876.SH)上周已升逾50%,昨天再攀升6.38%。另 ...全文
... 國際(01136)及中國建材(03323)的評級分別由跑輸大市上調至中性,目標價分別為1.4元及3.7元。 金 ...全文
... 東台資亞洲水泥和央企中國建材(合共持股37%)。境內20億元人民幣的債券已經到期違約,而境外5億美元債券又因為 ...全文
China is building a surface-to-air defense system in Hong Kong capable of intercepting missiles launched from the United States or Taiwan. The facility, which is being built in the People's Liberatio ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-15
China is building a national database of personal information, credit history, travel records and other statistics as part of a widening campaign against terrorism. The initiative is being led by publ ...More
EJ Insight2015-04-15
China National Building Materials Group Corp. (CNBM) will remain the controlling shareholder of China National Building Material Co. Ltd. (03323.HK) although the listed firm will join a pilot state-ow ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-03
Rating agency Moody’s said Beijing's pilot program to restructure ownership of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is an encouraging, concrete step in realizing the economic reforms outlined by the Communi ...More
EJ Insight2014-07-21
As the rebel jihadi army approaches Baghdad, the world is counting the heavy cost of a civil war in OPEC’s second largest oil producer – and China will be among the biggest losers. Last year China imp ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-23