本港再有紙媒易主,急謀紓緩財政壓力的壹傳媒(00282)宣布,擬出售《壹週刊》等雜誌在本港及台灣的業務予《都市 ...全文
... 坊間估計黃浩睇中的是壹傳媒(00282)旗下《壹週刊》,巧合的是,壹傳媒上周五股價在午後忽然起動,急升15.6 ...全文
Hong Kong's media is regularly accused of self-censorship, with opposition politicians, journalists, and media groups such as the Hong Kong Journalists Association often voicing concern. Broadly defin ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-13
Hong Kong's media is regularly accused of self-censorsh ...全文
今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2017年07月13日
... 系數0.539;三、壹傳媒為減省成本,把旗下刊物部分編採製作外判。 以上例子顯示,市場力量往往凌駕政府或機構的 ...全文
Apple Daily newspaper, which has been a vocal supporter of the democracy movement in Hong Kong, is facing a tough time in its key market. The outspoken daily, launched in 1995 by maverick tycoon Jimmy ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-27
... 來者爭相仿效新路的「壹傳媒」身上。這幾天消息紛傳,由於最近三二年連年虧損,該集團有意推出「鼓勵員工創業」的「方 ...全文
The workers union at Next Media, the publishing outfit controlled by Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, issued an urgent notice to its members, telling them not to accept any proposals from management to alter thei ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-23