... ),黃昏之星向淡。 耀才證券(01428)收報2.45元,大跌7.2%,由周二最高2.8元,累跌12.5%。耀 ...全文
Is it possible to earn over HK$5 billion in three months by investing HK$1 million in stock futures? No way, you would say, as such fabulous return appears beyond the realm even for legendary punters ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-25
... 00點和9800點。耀才證券市場研究部副經理植耀輝分析,當預期美國不再加息,可吸納金融股及科網股,但要留心今次 ...全文
... .54億元。 另外,耀才證券暗盤則收報104.8元。張智威估計,新iBond首日上市的成交價將介乎104.8元 ...全文
《深港通》全城期待,即將通車的消息更是愈傳愈烈。耀才證券金融集團有限公司(「耀才證券」或「集團」;香港股份代號 ...全文
耀才證券金融集團有限公司「耀才證券」或「集團」;香港股份代號︰(01428)主席葉茂林於4月14日生日當天,旗 ...全文
... 買少見少,餘下的包括耀才證券金融(01428)、金利豐金融(01031)、新華匯富金融(00188)、英皇證券 ...全文
... 手續費,賺270元。耀才證券新股交易中心方面,醫思醫療暗盤收報3.24元,較招股價升6.93%,每手獲利210 ...全文
耀才證券(01428)公布,於本月1日至4日在公開市場持續購入100萬股港交所(00388)股份,約佔其已發行 ...全文
Plunging stock prices and lackluster trading are not necessarily bad news, if you know how to manage the gloom. Local brokerage Bright Smart Securities (01248.HK) distributed HK$1 million worth of gif ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-25
New investors of financial services provider Reorient Group Ltd. (00376.HK) earned billions of Hong Kong dollars on paper after the stock resumed trading following a private placement on Monday, the H ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-02
Nine Hong Kong-listed companies are being added as constituents of the MSCI China index, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Thursday. They are China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd. (00586.HK), China ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-14