
共 3000 個結果
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HKEx seen facing uphill battle on US$39 bln bid for LSE

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx) unveiled a US$39 billion takeover approach to the London Stock Exchange (LSE) on Wednesday that received a cool response from investors concerned about its regu ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-12

內地若溫和減息 國債升值有空間

美國與中國下周會否齊齊減息,很快有分曉。今年以來,隨着美國10年期國債收益率愈壓愈低,與中國的息差顯著擴張,外 ...全文


倫敦西賓福特樓價門檻低 吸年輕人口

倫敦西賓福特樓價門檻低,吸年輕人口英國倫敦西部市鎮賓福特(Brentford),是擁有廣闊綠化帶及1.9英里長 ...全文


WeWork pursues IPO despite SoftBank call for delay: report

Office-sharing startup WeWork is said to be pressing ahead with plans for an initial public offering despite calls by the firm's largest private investor, Japan's SoftBank Group, to delay the share sa ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-11


《金融時報》引述消息人士稱,日本軟銀(SoftBank)要求辦公室共享服務供應商WeWork母公司We Com ...全文


Telenor, Axiata abandon talks for Asia telecoms tie-up

Norway's Telenor and Malaysia’s Axiata Group have called off talks to create a telecoms joint venture across South Asia and Southeast Asia, Reuters reports. The two sides have agreed to end the discus ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-09

內地調整專項債 基建爆發刺激需求

為了阻止經濟加速下行,中國政府隨即把基礎建設提速。近日在國務院常務會議明確,要提前下達明年部分專項債額度,並擴 ...全文


Beijing offers fund for Solomon Islands to break Taiwan ties

China is offering to bankroll a development fund for the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific if it switches diplomatic ties from Taiwan to Beijing, a parliamentary committee in the small island natio ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-05

美中PMI同聲一哭 老特劍指人仔儲局

中美貿易互搏導致兩敗俱傷,繼中國官方製造業PMI「四連縮」後,剛公布的美國8月份ISM製造業PMI亦跌至49. ...全文


The risks in chasing yields

Buying stocks for dividend was once a common theme. However, the investment culture shifted in recent decades and people began focusing more on speculative activities and the hunt for quick capital ga ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-04


幫零售業算算賬,上月我這樣說過:「根據政府最近發表的零售業銷貨額臨時統計數字,2019年5月的零售業總銷貨數量 ...全文


IMF pledges support for Argentina amid debt crisis

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it will stand by Argentina after the government authorized currency controls on Sunday in an about-face by President Mauricio Macri, who had previously lifte ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02

Solomon Islands eyes shift in ties to China from Taiwan

The Solomon Islands, one of Taiwan’s few remaining diplomatic allies, has formed a team of ministers to talk to Beijing ahead of a possible switch in ties that could be unveiled as early as this week, ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02

基督教香港信義會宏信書院 封華冑校長初心為助年輕人

升學對學生或家長來說,都是很大的壓力,這亦讓一條龍學校受追捧。消除了求學這一大壓力,學生可以真正享受學習,亦讓 ...全文


人民幣續貶 華恐陷債務危機

人民幣滙價上月「破7」後急貶,截至8月底,兌美元滙價已在7.15水平,中國政府似乎決心利用滙率跟美國打貿易戰。 ...全文



  挪威主權基金(Government Pension Fund Global)周二建議政府改變投資組合,減 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global一周最足數2019年08月31日

BNP Paribas eyes Deutsche Bank's equity derivatives book: report

BNP Paribas plans to bid for Deutsche Bank’s equity derivatives book and is hopeful it can beat off rival bidders to secure a deal in the next few weeks, Reuters reports, citing sources familiar with ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-30

US 30-year bond yield hits record low as recession fears grow

US Treasury debt yields fell on Wednesday, with 30-year yields setting all-time lows, as fears about a recession and trade tensions between China and the United States stoked further demand for low-ri ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-29

內企乏投資派息 中概ETF不妨吸

中國今年首7個月工業企業利潤倒退1.7%,不過單計7月份則按年增長2.6%,增長主因包括中國政府自4、5月推行 ...全文



Facebook(fb)早期主要投資者之一、由對沖基金名宿蒂爾(Peter Thiel)主理的Founders ...全文


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