
共 2424 個結果
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居民批不能住人 淨化器口罩熱賣

... 近300倍。亞馬遜(Amazon)周三表示,空氣淨化器上月銷售升近6倍。 新德里下周一至周五將會執行「單雙號」 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月10日

How Lazada can win Southeast Asia with Alibaba’s backing

... d as the “Amazon of Southeast Asia”, Lazada started out doing direct sales to consumers from its own warehouses. In 2013, it added a marketplace for merchants, using its assets to offer merchants fulf ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-09


Amazon公布第三季業績後狀態大勇,翌日(10月27日)股價衝高13%,該公司在第三季每股賺52美仙,遠超市 ...全文



... 確而且快三倍。 其實Amazon更早在物流上使用機械人,早於2014年,Amazon以7.75億美元收購了機械 ...全文


Salesforce, Google in new cloud partnership

... e-up with Amazon Web Services (AWS), which will continue to be a preferred public cloud provider following a deal last year. The big three cloud vendors — AWS, Microsoft's Azure and Google Cloud — are ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-07

WhatsApp to add payments in messaging app in India

... e Google, Amazon and Uber are getting in on the action alongside local players. In September, Google launched Tez, a free mobile wallet in India that will let users link up their phones to their bank ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-06

Amazon discounts other sellers' products as competition stiffens

Amazon.com Inc. is cutting prices of products from third-party sellers on its website, moving beyond its more typical method of discounts on items it sells directly, Reuters reports. The “discount pro ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-06


美國監管文件顯示,因公司股價高升而榮登全球首富寶座的亞馬遜創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos),上周合共賣出了 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年11月06日

為爭上位 Netflix自製節目

... 因為兩人眼見網上書店Amazon.com成功,才決定創立DVD網購的經營模式。 2000年開始,Netflix ...全文


Bitcoin hits new high as Amazon registers cryptocurrency domains

... rce giant Amazon.com has registered a trio of new cryptocurrency-related domains.  Amazon registered the domain names amazonethereum.com, amazoncryptocurrency.com, and amazoncryptocurrencies.com on Oc ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-03


Google母公司Alphabet前周公布季度業績,亦較市場預期為佳,但股價卻沒能像Amazon般飆13%,而 ...全文


科技巨輪滾滾前行 全球首富亦魔亦神

全球最大網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)上周公布第三季業績後股價強勢創新高,創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos ...全文


Cloud market growth tops 40%; Amazon still surging

As a trio of major tech companies released their quarterly earnings reports, tech behemoths Amazon, Google and Microsoft again managed to impress Wall Street. In particular, Amazon’s cloud computing a ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-01


上周五Amazon爆升13.2%,Microsoft飆6.4%,Facebook漲4.25%,上述科網企業市值 ...全文


Amazon makes push into pharmacy business

Amazon.com Inc. is considering entering the US$412 billion pharmacy business, a move that will shake up the industry, but success in the endeavor could prove elusive, the Wall Street Journal reports. ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-30

推智能水杯硬撼機械人 港女見盡創科潛規則

... 時品牌主要經亞馬遜(Amazon)網購平台銷售,大部分客人來自矽谷。本地則夥拍大型電訊商、中高檔生活百貨,以及 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月30日

亞馬遜破頂 現金陷樽頸

... 商店上周更宣布新服務Amazon Key,即使顧客不在家,送貨員也可把貨物送入屋。 此外,貝索斯在2001年發 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年10月30日

亞馬遜越1100美元 貝索斯再榮登首富

全球最大網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)第三季營業額破紀錄,連帶股價升穿1100美元,創歷史新高,創辦人貝索斯 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年10月30日


... 發達,有錢過蓋茨。 Amazon股價表現神勇,老闆風騷不在話下。在鐘擺的另一端,有位仁兄卻無癮之至,說的是20 ...全文


Amazon 3Q results beat forecasts; shares surge

Amazon.com reported on Thursday a 34 percent surge in revenue for the third quarter, topping market expectations, helped in part by its acquisition of grocery chain Whole Foods Market and strong sales ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-27

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