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加碼1000億美元 添科技股比重

全球利率持續向下,加上美國科技股愈升愈有,按資產值計全球第二大的主權基金挪威主權基金(Government P ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月28日

Hong Kong is ideal place for vertical greening

Patrick Blanc, an internationally renowned vertical garden designer who has visited Hong Kong, said the city's climate, which is warm and humid most of the time, makes it an ideal location for vertica ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-26


中國國務院本月中頒布《中共中央國務院關於支援深圳建設中國特色社會主義先行示範區的意見》(下稱《意見》),支持深 ...全文


儲局料增購 美短債看俏

美國聯儲局較原定時間提早結束縮表,並會增購國債,是繼減息以外另一支持美國經濟的舉措。目前美債孳息曲線扁平化,並 ...全文



各國過去10年不斷印錢救經濟,導致初創科技泡沫隨處湧現,雖然近年募資熱潮稍微降溫,至今仍造就了不少超級燒錢的獨 ...全文



什麼時候「包租公」加「收租佬」變成高科技項目?Google運用互聯網及電腦技術,成為「百事通勝」;Amazon ...全文


1000億歐羅主權基金 歐盟助企業對外競爭

英國《金融時報》報道,根據歐盟一份內部文件,當局正考慮推出一個總值1000億歐羅(約8676億港元)的主權財富 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月24日


英國《金融時報》引述內部文件報道稱,歐盟正考慮推出一隻1000億歐羅的主權財富基金,為歐洲企業提供資金,幫助它 ...全文


Trump: 'I am the chosen one' to take on China over trade

US President Donald Trump said he is “the chosen one” to address trade imbalances with China, even as congressional researchers warned that his tariffs would reduce US economic output by 0.3 percent i ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-22

AH溢價擴 港股慣性揚

近日內地股市走強,A股對H股溢價在過去兩周已升至30%,往績顯示,觸及此溢價水平後,港股都有機會展開升勢。雖然 ...全文


What does the new Shenzhen reform plan mean for Hong Kong?

China's State Council has unveiled a detailed plan for wide-ranging reforms to be implemented in Shenzhen. The plan was released against the backdrop of a series of anti-government protests in Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-21

Trump looking at possible tax cuts amid recession fears

US President Donald Trump said his administration was considering potential tax cuts on wages as well as profits from asset sales, and sought to play down market anxieties that the world’s top economy ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-21


8月20日,周二。媒體每年都會發表對沖基金操盤人收入排名,Renaissance Technologies創辦 ...全文


E-cigarette maker Juul raises US$325 mln for global expansion

Electronic cigarette maker Juul Labs has raised US$325 million in an equity and debt offering to speed up its global reach amid intense regulatory scrutiny in its home turf in the United States, Reute ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-20

GE fortifies defense against charges of bogus accounting

General Electric Co. reinforced its defense of its accounting practices after investors asked more questions about an unusual research report last week that accused the jet engine and power plant make ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-20

Malaysia court postpones biggest 1MDB trial involving former PM

A Malaysian court on Monday postponed for a week the biggest of five trials linked to a multibillion-dollar scam at state fund 1MDB and allegedly involving former prime minister Najib Razak, Reuters r ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-19

中國勢減息 短炒有憧憬

中國多項7月份經濟數據差強人意,儘管內地政府早於上半年大舉實施減稅降費,期望刺激經濟,惟內地經濟踏入下半年仍未 ...全文



外媒報道,日本軟銀集團計劃向員工發放200億美元貸款,以讓員工投資由軟銀發起的願景基金2(Vision Fun ...全文



對於財政司司長陳茂波今日公布一系列支援企業和市民的措施。香港貿發局主席林建岳表示,今次特區政府增撥資源,推出一 ...全文


SoftBank's Vision Fund makes its first bet on energy company

SoftBank’s Vision Fund has made its first-ever investment in an energy company, funneling US$110 million into Swiss startup Energy Vault, which creates renewable energy storage products.  Founded in 2 ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-15

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