... 山花園,亦於二十國(G20)集團峰會舉行前夕誕生居屋王,消息指出,8座中層C室,實用面積592方呎,原圖則3房 ...全文
... 合美股、港股及A股在G20峰會後首個交易日的表現,A股其實最為強勁。但消化了相關利好後,大市將如何走,仍要視乎 ...全文
All eyes were on the G20 summit held in Osaka, Japan, over the weekend. However, the real high drama took place along the 38th parallel of the Korean peninsula on Sunday, when US President Donald Trum ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
G20習特會成果出乎預期佳,掃走市場之前觀望情緒,港股七一假期後於下半年首個交易日打響頭炮,一度飆逾四百點,撲 ...全文
... ,中美在二十國集團(G20)峰會的談判結果勝預期,雖然兩國尚有結構性分歧要處理,但至少繼續談判為股市帶來短期上 ...全文
過去一個長周假期,實在太多太多太多事發生,G20峰會期間,特習會帶嚟好消息,雖然市場早有心理準備中美兩國貿易戰 ...全文
1.半日飆386點 手機5G濠賭股標青 G20習特會成果遠超預期,港股今早一度抽升逾四百點,撲近兩萬九。藍籌手 ...全文
In a virtual replay of events that took place seven months ago, Donald Trump and Xi Jinping met on the sidelines of a G20 summit on Saturday and agreed to resume negotiations on the trade dispute betw ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
個市吽咗幾日,大家都知道擺到明係等G20單嘢之後先再算,最後結果係中美雙方暫時休戰兼話重新啟動對話,而美方就焗 ...全文
G20習特會成果超市場預期,金價下挫,更跌穿1400美元關,金礦股齊下跌。 招金(01818)現跌2.1%;山 ...全文
大市走勢:中美雙方領導人上周末在G20峰會中會面,會後同意重啓貿易談判,美方表示不再對中國出口商品加徵新的關稅 ...全文
The G20 summit has not generated unexpected or significant headlines, and is certainly not a catalyst for real change in the global economic trends. The United States and China have only agreed to pos ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
... ng at the G20 with crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, Trump praised the Saudi leader for doing a “spectacular job.” He praised Prince Mohammed as “a man who has really done things in the last five year ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02