
共 3000 個結果
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Some solid AI developments in China

We’ve witnessed the rapid development of artificial intelligence in China over the last couple of years. China, in fact, is now leading the world in certain key AI technologies thanks to policy suppor ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-15

借入日圓持道期 基金長短倉套利

美國於本港時間周二晚公布,對部分中國貨品加徵10%關稅的時間推遲至年底,刺激美股爆上,避險貨幣日圓急挫。其實, ...全文


倒掛的倒掛 倒水的倒水

8月14日,周三。作為本港市民,面對前所未見的社會撕裂,心情難免極度鬱悶;作為投資者,環球多災多難,少一個阿根 ...全文


Snap to launch new Spectacles version in AR push

Snap Inc. said it will launch a new version of its Spectacles sunglasses that will have the capability of capturing photos and videos and uploading them directly to its unit Snapchat, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-14

China new loans dip more than expected in July

China’s banks extended surprisingly fewer new yuan loans in July, while growth of money supply and total social financing also slowed, raising pressure on the central bank to ease policy further to su ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

The currency manipulation game

The trade war between the United States and China is heating up again, with US President Donald Trump abruptly announcing plans to impose a 10 percent tariff on the US$300 billion worth of imports fro ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-12

政府債券回報不俗 收息股吸引力降

中美貿易戰再度升級,投資者大量泵錢入收益資產避險,股票及債券息率都處於「食之無味,棄之可惜」的境況,以本地股債 ...全文


China producer prices fall, raising deflation fears

China’s factory gate prices shrank for the first time in three years in July, stoking deflation worries and adding pressure on Beijing to deliver more stimulus as the economy sputters amid an intensif ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-09

Goldman Sachs executives charged in 1MDB corruption probe

Malaysia filed criminal charges against 17 current and former directors at subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. over the multibillion-dollar corruption probe at state fund 1MDB, Reuters reports, c ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-09

How much do we need to save for retirement?

Retirement is a key part of our financial planning, since it will determine the quality of life in our later years. Given the limited retirement benefits the government offers, Hongkongers can only re ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-09

Broadcom to buy Symantec enterprise unit for US$10.7 billion

Chipmaker Broadcom Inc. said it will buy antivirus software maker Symantec Corp.’s enterprise security unit for US$10.7 billion in cash to scale up its software business through deals, Reuters reports ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-09

What's next for China's political economy?

To understand where the Chinese economy is headed, it is important to understand the wider context surrounding Chinese debates about what the future holds under President Xi Jinping. The centenary of ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-08


投資者過去一周憂慮中美貿易戰惡化,把資金投向避險產品,一項調查顯示,美國貨幣市場基金規模升至近10年最高。 據 ...全文


中國或減持美債報復 換馬方向堪關注

中美貿易關係嚴重惡化,除了停購美國農產品,估計中國會以進一步沽售美債作為報復手段,同時避免人民幣過分貶值,以免 ...全文



經濟引人入勝之處在於總有事情發生,企業家擁有無比勇氣、視野及熱誠,投資者甘願冒險押注在他們身上,成為現代文明鼓 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年08月08日


日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)公布,截至6月底止,首個財政季度經營利潤按年下降3.7%,至6888億日圓(約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年08月08日

HKMA's incoming chief has big task at hand

Local and foreign business chambers in Hong Kong issued statements recently calling on the government to take concrete action to defuse the ongoing political crisis. The suggestions included official ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

SoftBank Group profit beats estimates on Vision Fund gains

Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp. raked in a better-than-expected quarterly operating profit as it saw a leap in investing gains from its US$100 billion Vision Fund, Reuters reports. The group’s results ha ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07


日本軟銀集團(SoftBank Group)公布,截至6月底止,首財季營業利潤按年下降3.7%,至6888億日 ...全文


Making technology work for workers

As technological innovation transforms our economies, workers all over the world are doing whatever it takes – whether crossing borders, changing jobs, or starting businesses – for a chance to thrive. ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

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